Chapter 13--Fashion Over Function

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After the not-eating-pie challenge, Myrielle was at the bottom but still in the running. With a few more days until the next challenge and the first elimination, Myrielle would need to turn things around to avoid being the first one to go.

Gianni and Fairy Godmother were glad that Myrielle hadn't been knocked out just yet, but only because it would allow them to execute a plan.

They set out to do exactly that as their carriage rolled through the village's main dirt road. One by one they passed decrepit-looking cottages and hungry children.

"Dreadful," said Fairy Godmother, taking a swig from her flask.

Gianni shook his head. "Could you please just go one day without drinking?"

"It's medicinal," she said. "I need it to deal with all the village squalor." She shuddered as they rolled up to the ugliest cottage of all, the one belonging to Myrielle's family.

Inside their humble home, the daily routine of being poor was underway, a.k.a. Rose trying to cook while the children acted 'hangry' and annoying.

Emilia ran circles around Rose, repeating her favorite chant over and over. "Tart! Tart! Tart!" she cried. "Mummy I want a tart!"

Rose sighed. "Emilia I've told you three times, the festival was a special occasion!"

Thomas pushed his way forward to get a word in. "But Myrielle had tarts and biscuits and turkey legs and fruit stuffed up her skirt, remember? We helped her and she ended up keeping it all for herself!" Thomas had no factual basis for his claim, but could only assume he was right since he hadn't seen his sister in three days.

As for Rose, she'd been thinking about Myrielle every minute of the last three days. Had the kingdom found the food she'd stolen? Had she been banished to a dungeon?

The constant worry plagued her, but she was momentarily distracted when she heard the sound of knocking.

She froze. "Who on earth is that?"

The knocking persisted so she hurried to the door, with the children creeping closely behind her. To her utter surprise, she opened the door to find Gianni and Fairy Godmother standing in the doorway (along with a crowd of fascinated onlookers).

She knew this was the moment, the moment when she would find out whether her daughter was on trial. She gulped loudly. "Good day your...excellency." She bowed her head in reverence to keep herself from bursting into tears. "Please come in."

Fairy Godmother and Gianni squeezed their way inside, both of them annoyed by the lack of real estate.

"Can I make you both some tea?" she offered, trying to be hospitable in the hopes that it would help her criminal daughter out of a jam. "My specialty is a blend of weeds locally grown at the side of the road."

Gianni recoiled in disgust. "Thank you but I...already had my quota of tea for the day."

Fairy Godmother shook her head. "I've been staying well hydrated in the carriage," she said smirking.

"Then what may we do for you?" she said nervously, unable to contain her questions any longer. "Is Myrielle in trouble? Is she in pain? Whatever happened it's a big misunderstanding!"

Fairy Godmother and Gianni exchanged a confused look.

"Trouble?" Fairy Godmother mused, inching forward as best she could. "There's no trouble at all." Her warm smile hid their true motive well. "Your fact, has made it to the final twelve."

Rose jumped up in excitement and hit her head on the low ceiling. "Ow!"

Fairy Godmother watched her and frowned. "And people say I drink too much," she muttered.

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