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Two months later...

On the day that James the village boy had asked Myrielle to read to him, the creepy 'fabric-man' in the closet had been dismantled, and from then on everything had changed. It was a gradual progression of basic reading lessons a few times a week, but as word spread throughout the village, Myrielle realized she needed a proper schedule with a broader set of topics, almost in a way that a school might function.

Myrielle's main policy was to never turn away an eager child, and even though she didn't charge admission, she realized there needed to be a system in place, so that everyone could benefit and the sum could grow greater than the parts.

So she made one.

The sun was shining on a crisp autumn morning, as Myrielle arranged her makeshift classroom in the cottage backyard. The 'professor's' chair was positioned in front of a table stacked with dusty books, and across from it were three rows of stools made out of logs. The log-seating was supplied by a young girl's father who worked in lumber, which afforded her a spot in Myrielle's class. Every other student had made a similar deal through either direct trades or four-way trades of items that were needed throughout the village. The result was the creation of a small but fortuitous economy.

As she wiped the morning dew off the log stools, James appeared from around the corner with a crate of produce in his arms.

"Here's everything from your list!" he exclaimed.

Myrielle came over to inspect the crate's contents. "Now remember, the tomatoes go to the Millers in exchange for the goat's milk, the apples go to the boy down the road who smuggled the latest stack of science books, the berries go to my mother so she can make some fresh tarts, and the dresses she made need to go to the goat farmer's daughters."

"And?" he said hopefully.

She smiled. "And the sweet potatoes go to your family since you've been so incredibly helpful." He grinned and hurried off. "And class begins in an hour so don't be late!"

She sighed happily and continued to wipe off the stools.

"He'll never remember those instructions," a man's voice said.

Myrielle quietly gasped, instantly recognizing the voice as Fredrick's.

She turned around and saw him in the flesh, dressed in peasant clothes and looking handsomer than ever, his dimples finally back within the presence of the smile she'd so missed.

Despite the warm feeling she couldn't return his smile, as the shadow of their final conversation seeped its way into her memory.

"I thought you were on permanent lavatory duty," she said timidly.

He took a small step towards her. "I was...but the prince...he came to visit me one day."

"For what? A special hair treatment?" She rolled her eyes.

"No, he came to tell me how happy he was."

She smirked. "I guess Bella had that effect on him."

"Believe me," he said, "they're perfect for each other." She managed a smile. "He was so incredibly happy that he offered me my old position; complete with monthly coin to help my family."

She frowned. "So why are you here? Did they give you a day off?"

He raised an eyebrow. "There are no days off for a servant."

"Right." She frowned. "So why are you here again?"

"I'm here because I received a letter from my nephew, telling me he'd enrolled in a brand new school, and well...I had to come and see it for myself."

She crossed her arms. "I doubt he's going to learn much at 'Princess Bella's School of Beauty,'" she said dismissively.

He laughed. "You really did it," he said. "You really re-opened the academy."

She gestured to the yard. "I would hardly call it an academy."

He took another step towards her. "It doesn't matter if it's the same as it was before, it's your dream and you made it happen, even without becoming a royal." He smiled. "Just like I told you that you would."

She shrugged. "So you just came here to tell me that you're right?"

He took another step so they were inches apart. "No; I came here to tell you I always believed in you, even when I was pretending that it was over." He took her hand. "I hope you'll forgive me for that last conversation; I was hurt and covered in so much grime that I couldn't really see straight."

She hung back. "You're still a little grimy if you ask me..."

He laughed for a second before his face went serious, and then without any warning he kissed her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, and it was so much better than nuzzling up to fabric-man. Instead it was actual Fredrick-man here in the flesh, and it was all she had ever really wanted. She regretfully pulled away and glanced at her desk. "I need to prepare for the next lesson," she said.

He nodded. "Of course, but before you do...I was wondering if you need any help with running your academy? From the finest employee the kingdom ever had?"

She stepped back and sized him up, holding all the power in her judging eyes. "Are you seeking the sort of position where you'd obey my every command?" She narrowed her eyes. "Almost like a servant might do?"

He put his hand across his chest. "The most loyal servant you will ever have."

"Then finish wiping those stools until they're spotless," she commanded, before pulling him in for a kiss. "Please," she said smiling. "And I mean now," she added coldly.

He laughed and set to work as her right-hand man, and even though she knew she would soon expand his role into new business development, she found it rather exhilarating to watch him clean a log. She realized then and there that watching Fredrick clean was her number-one fetish, and she didn't feel embarrassed about it all. She was fine with her quirks because she knew that real princesses were never entirely innocent, and neither were the peasant girls who refused to become them...

And they lived happily ever after (but yelled at each other sometimes because let's be real)...

[WRITER COMMENTARY: Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster of a sideways fairytale, and even though it didn't end with a princess crowning for the main character, she sure seems pretty happy ;-). Thanks so much for reading and I hope you'll spread the word!]

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