Chapter 14--Grace in Muddy Times...

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The lanterns were out in the cold dark tower and the girls were tucked into bed. For Myrielle it was a silence she didn't trust, and how could she? She'd just endured two straight days of mockery from Bella and her cronies, and only because she'd eaten that delectable pie. She peered through the darkness distrustfully, trying to see who might still be awake to assault her with fresh round of ridicule.

To her surprise...everyone around her seemed to be sleeping soundly. This could only mean they had gotten bored of making her the target of their insults. It was a welcome relief so she sighed and finally allowed herself to relax. My first good night's sleep, she thought. At last.

"Oink!" a voice said.

"Oink! Oink! Oink!"

Within seconds eleven girls were laughing and making pig sounds, as Myrielle groaned and pulled the blanket over top of her head...


The next day, the girls were brought back to the infamous scene of the pie gorge, only now the grassy area had been divided into twelve identical lanes.

Myrielle waffled around not caring about finding a lane and not caring about anything at all, since after a full sixty minutes of pig sounds she hadn't been able to sleep a wink. She longed for some motherly advice more than anything, but if anything was clear from that dark dormitory tower, it was the fact that she wouldn't see a glimpse of her family until this whole crazy thing was over.

"Myrielle," said Fredrick, standing behind her, "your lane is over there." He pointed to the seventh one over and she seemed confused.

"But I don't see our names written anywhere," she said.

"It was Gianni's request," he stated, getting more and more used to lying. "He wants you all in alphabetical order."

Myrielle shrugged and took her spot next to Helena, who already had her game face firmly on. "Prepare to be embarrassed," Helena threatened. "I will crush you."

Myrielle nodded carelessly, insomnia taking hold. "Yes, yes, crush away."

Fredrick approached the sidelines were Gianni and the judges shielded themselves under a canopy.

"They're ready for your instructions," said Fredrick.

Gianni poked his head out from under the canopy, squinting his eyes at the scorching sun. "Why don't you give the instructions this time," he said, handing him a scroll. "My stunning wool outfit isn't made for this heat."

Fredrick was surprised by the added responsibility, and on any other day he would've embraced it. But today? Today it was better for him to blend into the background and have nothing to do with anything.

"I'm really no expert," Fredrick stuttered.

"Of course you're no expert," said Gianni. "You barely know anything about anything, but that doesn't mean you won't do what is asked of you." He gave him a push. "Now go."

Fredrick obeyed but dragged his feet every step of the way. His ability to lie had improved somewhat of late, but the treachery he had planned was definitely next-level.

"Ladies!" he said, his voice cracking from nervousness. "Before we begin, allow me to lay out the rules." He pulled out a scroll and started reading. "When I blow the horn, you must run across the field as fast as you can, whilst keeping a book firmly balanced atop of your head."

Myrielle groaned as a second servant handed out the books. This latest test for etiquette made her nervous, especially after how she'd been humiliated in the pie debacle. Wasn't there more to being a princess? Like spouting off geography facts or taking a history test? And how was she supposed to demonstrate good balance when she hadn't slept? She was doomed.

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