Chapter 36--The Royal Ball

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If the town square was looking fancier than ever for this all-important night, the royal ballroom was the ultimate display of grandiosity.

From the massive chandeliers to the sparkling floral centerpieces adorning every table, upper crust citizens would experience a night to remember.

Despite the Enraptured Kingdom's paltry headcount of noble citizens, the ballroom welcomed a sell-out crowd, as visitors from the Enchanted Kingdom had paid top coin for a chance to witness the reality show finale for themselves. The exclusivity of the spectacle was on par with Anna Wintour's all-exclusive Met Gala, and the elevated fashion of the 'Enchanted bourgeoisie' was two years ahead of the local nobles.

Red-carpeted steps led up to the vast royal stage, where the venerable King Edward, smarmy Prince Charming, doting Queen Frances, and overly-injected Cinderella settled in beside the resident royals. King Gastronso leaned in for a quick chat with King Edward, and after briefly rubbing matching amulets in B-F-F solidarity, he hopped down the steps and hurried over to the massive dessert station.

For once in the king's gluttony-charged existence, he paid no mind to the endless rows of pies or chocolate ganache tortes or creamy custards laid out across the table. Instead he was focused on the rare empty section of the table. It was incredibly out of character for the king to leave 'dessert table real estate' unassigned, but as his eyes lasered in on the ballroom doors, it was clear that he had something else in mind. "Please work perfectly," he whispered. "This is the most important thing we'll ever do."

He closed his eyes and crossed his fingers like a pair of desperate sausage links. The meaty superstition must've worked, because a few seconds later two servants held the double doors open, while two others carried in a massive dessert tower.

As "oohs" and "ahhs" permeated throughout the ballroom, the king opened his eyes and his face was overcome with joy. "My masterpiece!"

Like an overly dressed air traffic controller in a world without airplanes, the king used his stalky arms to guide the massive tower through the maze of tables, and onto its designated spot at the dessert station. Once it was secure he could finally admire it: four levels of pies, baked into a massive cake, and surrounded by a dome of gold-dusted éclairs that were adhered together with honey and topped with perfect dollops of whipped cream. He beamed like a father full of pride, as generous tears poured down his rounded cheeks. "It's everything I ever dreamed of," he whispered.

As the king continued to admire his beloved food-child, Gianni came up behind him and gave him a little nudge. "It's time to bring out the girls and get started," he urged.

Gianni's presence seemed to agitate the king. "Let's get one thing straight: those girls are just an after-thought to the true unveiling of the night. Now go up there and announce it!"

Gianni looked around in confusion. "Announce what?"

The king whispered something in Gianni's ear, and as Gianni's brain absorbed the king's instructions, his face had the sort of look that wished the king would roll down an endless hill and never find his way back. He managed a smile that was obviously low-key loathsome. "Yes of course, your majesty."

Gianni made his way up the red-carpeted steps, confident in his secretly heeled boots that made him three inches taller. He gestured to a nearby servant to sound a horn, and once he had the crowd's attention he plastered on his spotlight-loving grin. "Good evening, fair citizens of the Enchanted Kingdom!"

Queen Enevere frowned and kicked the back of Gianni's leg, and in doing so she temporarily dislodged his secret calf insert. It was a circular stage with nowhere to hide, so all he could do was tap the fake calf back into place, desperately hoping that no one would notice. When no one called him out or burst into laughter he felt confident that his secret was safe. He turned back and glared at the queen. "What was that for?"

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