Chapter 21--Don't Believe the Fairytale...

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The real-life rags-to-riches princess behind the legend.

Cinderella's presence caused two of the contestants to immediately faint, which forced a servant to rush over to them and slap them back to life. As the girls groaned back into consciousness, the legendary princess approached.

The sunlight reflected off of Cinderella's shimmering silver gown, as she glided towards them with her thick blond curls cascading down her back.

As Cinderella got closer, the unnatural plumpness of her lips became apparent.

Fairy Godmother snorted at the sight of them. "Fresh pig-fat injections I see..." Despite what the fairytale classic had claimed, there was clearly a grudge between these two famous characters. While Fairy Godmother was intensely bothered by the rift, Cinderella didn't seem to care at all. She continued down the path like she was floating on air, slowing when she reached the starry-eyed contestants.

She looked past them and stared into Fairy Godmother's eyes, her thick lips spreading into an icy smile. "Dearest Godmother!" she exclaimed. "It's been too long!" She leaned in for a hug but was halted by Fairy Godmother's glare. "Is everything alright? You're looking a bit haggard."

Fairy Godmother turned away, barely keeping a lid on her mysterious rage. All the while Gianni stood close by, recording every moment of juicy drama for the latest chapter of his book.

Cinderella noticed him scribbling into his book and waved. "Gianni!" Her enthusiasm was nearly as fake as her lips. "How's the man who wouldn't have amounted to thing without his muse?"

Gianni took a break from taking notes and smiled, as he wasn't going to let this ego-diminishing moment make it into the book. "Everything is marvelous," he said, generating the fakest warmth that his chickpea-sized heart could manage. " you see here," he gestured to the contestants, "your legacy only grows."

Cinderella finally took a moment to acknowledge the contestants, offering up a single head-nod that was meant for the entire group. It was hardly the affection the contestants had dreamed of but they lapped it up anyway, eager to soak up anything they could from the legendary peasant who had somehow nabbed a prince.

Myrielle watched Cinderella with a careful eye, having processed her less-than-kind comments thus far and curious for what she'd say next.

The next moment was less about what she said and more about what her face began to do, as her puffy lips formed a scowl when she noticed the paintings. "This cannot pass," said Cinderella. "Not at all." She shook her head. "It's simply far too archaic."

Gianni rushed to her side. "Is there a problem, your highness?"

She gestured to the half-painted version of Myrielle's face. "When will we stop with this trend of painting faces as round as grapefruits?" She turned to the girls and traced a finger around her bone structure. "Angles are a gift that are meant to be shared."

Gianni found himself baffled by her assessment. "But your highness...rotund faces and exaggerated jowels are a sign of prosperity."

One of the artists meekly approached.

"Yes?" said Gianni with just a sliver of patience.

The artist's gaze shifted nervously. "I was just going to add that painting chubby faces is all we've ever known." There was a chorus of agreement from the others.

Cinderella rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers at the nearest servant. "Bring ten stools for the painters."

The servant struggled to process the nature of the demand.

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