Chapter 39: If The Shoe Fits

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At the top of the glass platform under the glaring chandelier spotlight, Myrielle and Prince Rainier stared each other down.

"This is it," he said calmly. "Our lives are about to change forever."

Myrielle had been too afraid to escape when Fairy Godmother had shown her the note, but was using every ounce of her brainwaves now, to figure out a way to exit stage left and save the kingdom of its debt and live happily ever after; dare to dream?

"There's no need to be nervous," said the prince. "Separate bedrooms, separate life."

It almost sounded appealing, if it weren't for the fact that she'd be livin' it up while her true love was wiping down the dungeons. Even if she became a princess and couldn't be with Fredrick, she would only be able to live with herself if she knew he was free to have a future somewhere else.

"One question," said Myrielle, knowing that the answer would determine whatever happened next. "Is there any chance that you would ever set Fredrick free?"

The prince held the delicate slipper to the light, studying its glistening edges with care. "I'll admit that his release had crossed my mind, as he was a generally loyal ally, after all. And yet..." Every ounce of compassion drained from his eyes. "If you're to live with me in the castle you need to be punished too, and what better punishment than a daily reminder of what you lost trapped right underneath your feet?"

Her eyes went wide as she absorbed the sheer monstrosity of his soul. "You're the cruelest person I've ever met."

"And you're the loveable underdog who stole all of Bella's votes." He dangled the shoe in front of her face. "So I guess that means it's time for you to claim your prize..."

Rather than burst into tears, Myrielle seemed intensely focused.

The prince frowned. "Did you hear what I said? Your future is horrible and there's no escape." Again she had no reaction, and the prince seemed frustrated like a sociopath kicking a dog that kept finding its way back up. "Put on the shoe and ruin your life," he urged, becoming increasingly annoyed by the second.

To his complete surprise, she smiled. "That's a great idea, your highness." She extended her foot towards his hands. "Let's end this contest with a flourish."

He pouted like a bully who was short on satisfaction. "I know, that's what I already said!"

As the audience watched, he slid the glass slipper onto her foot, anticipating the perfect fit. Instead he felt resistance, as Myrielle bunched her foot up and twisted it around.

"Ow!" she said wincing. "Oh my goodness that hurts!"

The prince couldn't process exactly what was happening but he felt the early inklings of sabotage. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" he said glaring.

She yanked her foot away form him and glanced down at Gianni. "It seems we have another peasant loser in our midst!"

Gianni conjured up the most threatening death-stare he could manage. "So this is it?" he hissed. "You would truly destroy the kingdom's stability for your own selfish needs?"

"The kingdom will be fine," she said, adding a playful wink. She stood tall and addressed the audience. "Ladies and wasn't meant to be!"

Bella screamed and sprinted up the platform as Myrielle made her way down, and all the while the audience applauded fiercely. Myrielle took hold of Bella's arm as they passed each other on the staircase. "I'm happy for you," she said smiling. "I really mean it."

Bella squirmed away and pushed her down the stairs. "You were never princess material!" she cried. Bella leapt into the prince's arms as tears of joy streamed down. "I knew they would love me the most!" She grabbed him by the neck and kissed him with dominating passion.

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