Chapter 35--Look The Part

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For once the contestants were spared of getting ready in the cramped and dreary tower. Instead they'd been invited to the castle in advance, with each girl provided with a separate chamber for royal ball preparations.

In Myrielle's chamber, borrowed jewels were laid out on an opulent dressing table, but her attention was captured by something far more significant.

She was kneeling down in front of a large box, and holding out a magnificent gown that was worthy of a royal ball. It was sparkling white with pale pink accents, with every piece of embroidery having been added by her mother's loving hands. She hugged the gown and could almost feel her mother right there with her. The affection-through-osmosis began reminding her of her purpose in this pre-determined spectacle, trickling through the fog of discontent that had enveloped her for days.

She stood to place the gown in front of her body when something inside the lining caught her eye; it was a message sewn into the fabric in red thread: "I know you can do this!" She smiled her first genuine smile in ages, as the little family reminder gave her strength to see this through until the end...


With gown now on and jewels in place, Myrielle examined herself in the mirror. Her dark hair was curled and cascading down one side, and the sparkling royal ball gown was a perfect fit. She finally resembled a society-approved princess, and as she did a little twirl and watched the gown's glittering skirt spin around her, she succumbed to that alluring drug that allowed simple peasants to feel as fierce as the royals: fashion porn.

Each new twirl was a fairytale hallucinogen, bringing her closer to a world where being a princess equaled happiness. It was the same world where Cinderella was actually as kind and decent as she'd seemed in Gianni's book. She snorted at the thought and twirled some more, letting the illusion take hold.

"Knock knock!" said Fairy Godmother's voice from behind the door.

Myrielle abruptly stopped spinning, which caused her to trip and fall over an ottoman. She held her head in her hands and tried to focus her eyes. "More than three spins? Excessive. Duly noted."

"Let me in," Fairy Godmother insisted, knocking on the door with force.

Myrielle smirked in the direction of the door. "Why don't you walk through the door with your powers?" The contest was nearly over now, so it seemed a good time to ridicule Fairy Godmother for her total lack of magical abilities. It was strange how everyone idolized Fairy Godmother, when Myrielle was now poised to become the next princess without any semblance of help from her supposed mentor.

Myrielle continued smirking as Fairy Godmother entered the chamber powered by zero-percent magic. Upon seeing Myrielle she was speechless, overwhelmed, and unable to move, but not in a 'too many goblets of wine' type of way; this was different.

"You're simply gorgeous," she exclaimed, complete with a heavy sigh. "Even if this isn't where you truly belong..."

Myrielle rose to her feet and frowned. "Well that's not a very encouraging start to the evening."

"Maybe you shouldn't be focused on the start," she responded, a cryptic expression in her eyes. "Maybe it's time to face the end of this charade."

Myrielle glanced around the room in paranoia; was someone listening? Was it Gianni? Was he furiously taking notes for another made-up scene in this contest? "This isn't a charade," she said robotically, convinced someone was listening and poised for some final blackmail. "This destiny."

Fairy Godmother laughed and plopped into the nearest armchair. "That's a bit much, don't you think?" She pulled out her flask and took a swig.

As Myrielle watched her openly drink, she realized they weren't being watched after all. "Why are you acting so strangely? I mean aside from the copious amounts of wine, although I guess that's normal since you've been having it for weeks."

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