Part Eight - The Return Home

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POV Philip
Tara was in a daze, My hand in the small of her back guided her towards the waiting car, she tried to stop but I'd been waiting for that.
I looked down at Tara and I knew I didn't have much time before the shock wore off and she came back fighting.
I urged her forward moving my arm from around her back to her shoulders, i could feel the electricity between us, physically nothing had changed there and i knew Tara felt it too or she wouldn't be so off balance now.
We had reached the car and I waved the chauffeur away as he held the door open.
Tara's head came up and i felt her straighten looking up at me, her eyes pleading "let me go" she asked.
I gazed down into her eyes "we had a deal, you came back and now we are going home, get in the car"
Tara tried to move away but my hand closed around her wrist stopping her "do you really want to cause a scene here" i questioned her with raised brows.
Tara sank down into the car and watched as the door close shutting her off from those outside. I quickly moved round the car to the other side getting in next to her and giving the driver the instruction to take us home.
Tara slid as far away from me as she could and I watched her in silence, i knew I'd won this round but had a long way to go to win the battle.
I looked down at her hands still clasped around the box "put them on" i ordered her.
"No, I can't" Tara raised her eyes to mine "this won't work Philip, you can't do this, you can't force me to stay" she said.
"We had a deal Tara, I let you leave and grow, gave you the space you wanted but we had conditions and you accepted them, now keep your part of our deal, put your rings back on"
I reached out and took the box from her shaking hands, freeing the rings and sliding them back onto her finger.
She looked away out of the window at the familiar countryside and I watched a tear slowly roll down her cheek in the heavy silence.
"What now" she whispered.
"Now we go home" i replied.

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