Part Thirteen - Breaking

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POV Tara
I stretched against the warmth surrounding me, feeling the ache in my muscles as I moved, as my mind woke more I tensed remembering yesterday and Philip and...Matt. The wedding, the meeting, me running and then they drugged me.
I carefully sat up in the bed looking around me in fear. I recognised that I was in a playroom having been in one before but I was alone, looking down at the nightgown I was wearing I shivered knowing they had stripped me and changed my clothes. I looked round the room, spotting an open door that accessed a bathroom and a closed one that I knew would be locked. My breathing sped up at the thought of being locked up , the last time I had been held against my will I had been tied down with ropes and abused, I could feel my stomach churning my body's fear growing and I scrambled from the bed to rush to the bathroom before I was violently sick. I remained curled on the bathroom floor shivering in fear and reaction from the memory my breathing rushed and painful.
The soft sound of footsteps barely registered as I was scooped up off the floor and held against a warm body "hush baby, it okay, just breathe with me," "good girl, that's it" he whispered cradling me close.
"Matt?" I breathed out shakily before I started sobbing in relief.
"Yes baby, good girl, let it all out" he soothed moving us back into the playroom, he sat down on the sofa, me on his lap waiting for me to recover, his hand gently stroking my hair.
"Where are we, where is Philip?" I stuttered out.
"You're somewhere safe, Phil is just getting you some breakfast, he will be here in a minute, do you want to tell me what happened" he said continuing to stroke my hair as I leant against him.
"I...woke up and ......panicked, Phil told you what they...he did?" I whispered
"He told me what you told him and baby I'm so sorry we didn't see what was going on" he replied.
"I can't do this again Matt, I can't, being with you means being near them and I can't, you need to let me go" I plead.
His body goes still and I tense "you're not going anywhere and we are not letting you go ever, but my darling I do promise you won't see them again we will deal with them"
"You can't fix what they did, I get nightmares, I hate being touched and freak out a little things, I don't know what the triggers are but they're there and you can't promise I won't see them, they're Phil's family."
I jumped at Philips voice from the doorway "They are not my family, not now after what they did to you and we can fix you Tara, I promise you"
The promise rang through the room and I laughed painfully "how do you intend to fix me, I hate being touched, those memories taint everything"
Matts arms tighten around me.
"By making new ones to replace the bad" he tells me and I feel fear run down my spine, "How" I whisper fearfully.
Phil and Matt exchange glances before Philip nods and says "The first step is easy Tara you just have to say his name"
I shrink back in fear "I can't, please I..can't" my eyes watering and the memories threatening
"You can Tara, tell me who hurt you, tell me his name" Philip demanded.
"No"I cried brokenly.
Philip dropped to his knees in front of me putting his hands on my thighs and pushing them apart before. SlidIng in closer stopping with his hands cupping the inside of my legs, fingers tracing circles on my skin.
"Tell me his name" he commanded
"N...." I gasp out
Phil nods at Matt and his arms wind round to cup my breasts through the thin silk circling my nipples which tightened at his action, I could feel my arousal fighting with the fear and memories, Matts breath tickling my ear as he closed in, nibbling the lobe, tugging before releasing it "his name Tara, tell us" he coaxed.
"I can't, please don't make me" I shuddered as their touches grew more dominant and they played my body, Philips fingers inching higher, stroking, squeezing and pushing, Matts hands circling, and teasing and plucking at my tight nipples, his breath hot on my neck.
"Please" I whisper lost in the torment of their touch the pleasure overriding the fear as my body remembered their dominance.
Philips fingers gently stroked over my clit and I bucked in Matts arms, "again" Matt instructed him
This time his finger was harder, flicking back and forth before retreating, I was tensed on the edge of orgasm, "please" I begged
"His name and I'll let you come" Matt coaxed continuing to circle my nipples, each pluck going straight to my core.
"His name" Philip demanded thumb hovering over my clit, just resting me on the painful edge of pleasure.
I arched seeking more pressure but was held in place by firm hands.
"It's just a name Tara, it can't hurt you, say the name and you can come" Matt whispered again nibbling my earlobe.
I was lost the sensations they drew out of me taking my mind to another place.
"Brian" I cried "it was Brian"
"Good girl" Philip growled and flicked my clit hard causing me to splinter apart in their arms, black spots in my vision at the force of my orgasm.
The held me as my body shook and waiting till the last of the aftershocks had stopped before Philip stepped back and grabbed a soft robe to wrap around me.
I was shocked and allowed them to guide me back to the bed where Phil put a tray of breakfast on my lap.
"Eat Tara, then we will talk"
I looked at the tray realising that I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and blushed as my stomach grumbled loudly.
"Eat" they commanded together.
I ate.

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