Ch. 1. Arrival

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Zoe's POV

"Zoe, Louis! Come on! We need to get you to the airport to meet the boys!!" Mum yelled.

Louis was helping me pack my clothes. I had three suitcases full of clothes, makeup, and other things ill need for four months in California. I'm going to Cali with One Direction so they can record their next album.

"We better go, Zo." Louis said.

"Yeah. Will you carry one of my suitcases down for me?" I asked him.

He nodded and took one of my suitcases. I grabbed the other two and my bag and ran down the stairs to put them in the car. I hop in the backseat so Louis can sit in the front. Surprisingly, Louis climbed in the back as well. I put my headphones in to block everything out, but clearly that didn't work.

(Italics : mind reading)

'Hey' Louis said, in my mind.

Now usually I love when we mind message each other, but now I was not in the mood.

'Not now, Lou.' I said.

'What's wrong?' He said.

'Nothing.' I said, blocking him out the rest of the way to the airport.


We had just met up with the boys and got on the private plane we are taking. I was sitting next to Niall. My stomach is in knots and I'm so nervous. I've never been on a plane before, and I'm scared to death. I started scratching my arms and looking anywhere I could to distract me.

'Hey, you okay?' Louis mind messages me. I lean forward in my seat and see him siting next to Harry,looking at me concerned.

'Lou, I'm so nervous.' I said. 'What if the plane crashes? What if it lands in water? What if we get tails? What if people find out? What-'

'Zo, calm down! This plane is perfectly safe, trust me.' He said.

'O-okay.' I said, sighing.

'Do you want me to ask Niall to move and come sit by you?' He asked.


He got up from his seat, and walked over.

"Hey Niall, can we switch seats? Zoe has never been on a plane before and I need to be with her." Louis asked

"Yeah, sure." Niall said.

They moved their stuff around, and Louis sat next to me.

"It's gonna be fine." He said, putting his arms around me.

"I know. But you know me, always jumping to conclusions." I said.

"Just put your headphones in and try to fall asleep. It'll make time go by fast." He said.

I did as he told me, putting my headphones in. I had a playlist on my phone to help me fall asleep, so put that on. The first song that came on was 'Little Things' soon I fell asleep.

Louis' POV

Zoe had just fallen asleep listening to her music. I wonder what she is listening to that she fell asleep so easily. I picked up her phone. The title said 'Look After You', but it had a picture of me. She has my cover downloaded on her phone?!? Why would she have it on her phone? I did a horrible cover of that song. (I love it!!)

Soon, I put my headphones in and fell asleep.


"Well isn't that just adorable!" I heard, and I saw a bright flash through my eyelids.

I popped my eyes open to see the boys standing there.

"Lou, we just landed. Wake up Zoe and let's go!" Harry said.

I noticed that Zoe had her head laid on my shoulder.

'Wake up, sleepy head.' I mind messaged her.

Her eyes fluttered open and she took out her headphones.

"Huh?" She said.

'We're here!" I said grabbing her stuff for her. I grabbed her hand and ran out of the plane.

'Louis, slow down!' She said.

I eventually slowed down once we caught up to the boys.

"Let's go!" I said.

Zoe's POV

We just pulled up to the house. My eyes widened. We're staying at a huge beach house!!!

'We're right near the water!! This is gonna be amazing Lou! We can go swim whenever!' I mind messaged Louis.

'Zo, we have to be careful, remember?'

'I know, I know. But-'

'No buts. Be careful.'

'Ok, ok.'

"Okay, so there are six rooms. Everybody gets there own room, but we have to share bathrooms. The bathrooms are between the rooms so.." Liam said.

"Zoe and I are sharing a bathroom!" Louis said. He looked so serious too.

"Okay, I guess I'll share with Niall and Liam can have his own?" Harry said.

"Yeah, that's fine. Now move out !" Liam said.

We all ran to our rooms and got settled.

This is gonna be a fun four months.

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