Ch. 5: Huh?!?

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*Zoe's POV*

The boys wanted to have a day at the beach. Louis and I were reluctant, but they eventually convinced us to come. I texted the girls to come, and they said yes. Liam and Harry are all currently in the water. Louis, Dylan, Carter, Poppy, and I are all sitting on the beach talking. Niall decided to stay home, he wasn't feeling well.

"So then, Poppy decides to sprint down the ramp and falls flat on her face!" Carter says, and we all crack up laughing.

Then, I was soaked. My eyes widened and I looked to Louis. He was soaked too. We looked at the guys and they all had empty buckets. We both got up and bolted to the water. We dove down as far as we could, then heard other splashes. I looked next to me to see Dylan, Carter, and Poppy.... with tails?!? I knew something was up with them!

Louis and I started swimming as fast as possible, with the girls behind us. We swam to the cave that we found a few days ago.

"You guys are mermaids too?!?!" I asked the girls.

"Yeah. Wow, we've never met any other mermaids." Dylan said.

"Neither have we. Besides our family. " Louis said.

"Wow, I love your tails!" I said, admiring their violet tails.

"Thanks." All three girls said.

"I can't believe you guys are actually mermaids. Do the boys know?" Poppy asked.

"No! No, they don't. We haven't told them." Louis said, freaking out. I pulled him back and patted his shoulder.

"We haven't told them yet. Louis doesn't want to, but I think that they could help us with everything. I'm going with what he says, though. Not letting anything get exposed." I told them.

"Yeah... We know what that's like." Dylan said.

"I just don't want them to hate me for keeping this from them." Louis said.

"It'll be fine, Lou." I said, laying my head on his bare shoulder.

"I don't know, Bo." He said.

"Bo?" Dylan asked.

"When we were kids he would call me Zo, Zee, and Bo. That's why my twitter name is @ZozeeBo. He still calls me those nicknames, right B?" I told them.

"She calls me Lou and B. I'm B, and she's Bo." Louis said.

"Okay then..." Poppy said.

"Bo, I'm gonna go back to the guys and try to explain. You coming?" Louis asked.

"Nah, we're gonna stay here for a while. Just tell them that we went to the mall or park or something." I told him, and he swam off.

"Now that there are no guys around, lets talk. When are you guys gonna tell Harry, Liam, and my own brother that you like them?" I asked the girls.

"How did you know?" They asked.

"It's obvious. Dylan, when you first met the guys, you couldn't take your eyes off of Harry. Poppy, you talk to Louis  to most out of anyone besides me. And Carter, with you figuring it out was tough, but I see the way you look at Liam. Just tell them." I said.

"We can't." Dylan said.

"Yeah, why would any of them like fish like us..."

"Besides, they're in the biggest band in the world. They could have any girl. And, we are kind of lying to them about who we really are." Said Carter.

"Hey, they wouldn't think that you are just fish. Louis is one of us. And it'll be easy to tell them, trust me. I've already told people about us, Louis and I." I told them.

"What?! Who? How many people?!?" Carter said.

"Only six....." I said.

"Who?" Dylan asked.

"Um, Connor Franta, Troye Sivan, Tyler Oakley, Marcus Butler, Alfie Deyes and Joe Sugg...." I said.

"Omg I love all of them!!!" Poppy said, fangirling.

"Yeah, they're really cool guys. They accept me because they know that even though I'm different, I'm still me. And they will accept you, too." I told them.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm suppose to be meeting with Connor, Tyler, and Troye tomorrow. And as for the others, do you guys want to meet them?"

"As in, now?" Carter asked.

"Um, yeah. They're in LA at the moment. As soon as we get back, I can call up Joe, see if they're busy, and we can meet up, spend the day together and have dinner later at one of their places."I told them.

"Omg yes! We would love to!" Poppy said, more like screamed.

"Okay, let's head back, you guys can go get ready, then come to the house and I'll call them up before I get ready!" I said, and we all swam back to shore.


Rewritten and fine!


I'm terrible, I know. 🙈

Anyway, yeah......
QOTC: what is on tv for you atm?
AOTC: I've been watching Hocus Pocus while rewriting this so yeah.

So, I guess that's it.

If you actually read this, put 'teddy bear' in your comment somewhere.

H: say Bye Bye.

D: Bye Bye!

- Dye

Under the Water (One Direction/ Mermaid) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now