Ch. 3: Sibling Time

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*Zoe's POV*

I woke up and looked at my clock, seeing that its already 10:30. I walked down to the kitchen, looking for food. I didn't see anybody in the living room, and all of the guys' doors were open, they weren't in there.

I opened the fridge and got outa water bottle. I set it on the counter and looked in the pantry for food.

"Zoe" I heard. Crap, it's Louis. "We need to talk."

Yeah, I'd rather not.

"Too bad." He said. Crap, he read my mind

"Sure did." He said.

"We don't have anything to talk about. I already know how you feel." I said, trying to leave. He blocked the door way. I backed up a little. "Where is everyone?" I asked him.

"They went to the store to get things." He said.

"Good, then they won't mind if I do this." I said, pointing my hand to the water bottle. The water lifted out of the bottle and flew at Louis as I flicked my hand.

"Zoe!" He yelled, falling to the floor. I cracked up laughing.

"I told you to move. We have nothing to talk about." I said, walking towards the door. Then water hit my back.

"Louis!" I yelled, my tail forming. I turned to look at him, glaring. He was right next to me, and grabbed my arm.

"Zoe-" he started, but was cut off by the door opening.

"Guys, were back!" Harry yelled.

"Crap!" I said, using my hand to dry myself off. Louis did the same. I got up as fast as I could and ran through the steam going through the kitchen, to my room. I was just about to lock the door, but Louis stuck his foot between the door.

"What do you want?!?" I yelled once he closed the door.

"Look, we need to talk." He said, grabbing my arm, again.

"No we-" I started, but he clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Look, I didn't mean what I said. I was just frustrated. You're my sister, my twin sister, and I love you. Of course I trust you. I'm just scared about the boys finding out. I don't know how they would react, we tell each other everything. They might not understand. I just want us to be safe." He said.

"Louis, I am being safe. Nobody could see me. I know you said to be careful, but we can have fun too. The whole reason I came with you guys was to have fun. And to be with you. We share this amazing secret. We need to use it." I told him.

"I know. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" He asked.

I looked in his eyes, the same shade of mine. "Yes, I forgive you. Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Yes, I trust you." He said, and I attacked him in a hug.

"This is nice. We never get to spend time together." I said, still hugging him.

"I know. We should spend more time together. So, we're good?" He asked.

"Yeah." We stood there hugging for about three minutes, before I got an idea.

"Hey, can we maybe go for a swim?" I asked him, pulling away.

He laughed. "Of course. We do need to spend more time together." He said.

We both ran down the stairs to the beach, and into the water. We both dived in, and our tails popped. We swam really fast, then slowed down once we were a bit off shore.

"Hey, look at that!" I mind messaged Louis, pointing to an opening for an underwater cave. We both swam into the cave and came up to see a huge volcano! (It's like Mako Island)

"Wow, this is so cool!!" I said.

"I know, I could spend all day in here." He agreed.

"This could be our hiding spot. No one else can know. It'll be just like when we were kids." I said.

When we where kids, we had this secret hiding place in the woods behind our house. We would always go there whenever we were upset, or just to talk about things.

"Yeah." He chuckled. We sat there for about an hour, just talking and joking around.

"We should get back. The guys are gonna be wondering where we are." Louis said to me.

"Yeah," I sighed."race ya." I said, sprinting off underwater.

"Zoe! Not fair!" Louis mind messaged me.

"I think it is." I said back. We both got back to shore, me winning. We both dried off and stood up. "See? We're fine. No one saw us." I said.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis laughed.

*Unknown's POV*

I saw them.

I can't believe it.


They're just like me.



That just happened.

Who do you think unknown is?!?!? O.o

I've already planned this out. So....

starting Question of the Chapters.

QOTC: what color would your tail be if you were a mermaid?
AOTC: sleek black

- Dye

Under the Water (One Direction/ Mermaid) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now