12. How Did You Find Out About Each Other?

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*Zoe's POV*

Louis ran up to a beach house kind of like ours. He knocked on the door, not caring about Me and Niall's confused faces. That was until Luke Hemmings opened the door.

"Hemmings!" Louis said.

"L-Louis? Zoe, Niall? What are you doing here? Where are the rest of the guys?" He asked letting us in.

"They, um..." I said trying to make up an excuse.

"They're in L.A." Louis said walking into the living room. "Ashton, hey!" He said sitting by Ashton. What is he doing?!

"Hey Lou." He said looking at us. "Hey Zo, Ni." He smiled.

"Wait, then..... You swam here?" Luke asked. I looked to Louis.

"He knows?" I asked.

"Of course he knows, Zo. You have your people that you've told, I have mine. Now c'mon, let's go for a swim." Louis said. He, Luke and Ashton stood up. "Where are Hood and Clifford?"

"They went to get food." Ashton told him.

"We should leave a note." Luke said. He got a piece of paper and a pen.

"Tell them you'll be in L.A. for a few hours, courtesy of me." Louis told him. Luke finished writing the note and left it on the table before we all walked back out to the beach.

Louis, Niall and I dived in and I heard two splashes behind us. I swam out a bit before turning and looking at the two boys. Luke swam out from the mass of bubbles, a shiny silver replacing his legs. Ashton swam out next, same as Luke but with a sleek black tail instead of silver.

"Keep swimming Zo. We'll talk about it back at the cave." Louis mind messages me. I did as he said and we arrived back at the cave, after swimming as fast as we could for about 5 minutes.

"So how did you find out about Ashton and Luke?" I asked Louis.

"I think you should know how Ash and Luke found out about each other first because it is quite a story." He laughed. I looked at them.

"Well..." Ashton said.

*Ashton's POV*

"Well..." I said. "We were about to start the TMH tour last year. The guys and I went out on a boat to celebrate...."


"Luke, get down from there. You're gonna fall." I said to Luke, who was standing on the rails of the boat.

"No I'm not Ashton. Stop being a parent." Luke said. "I'm the king of the world!" He yelled.

"Oh, how Titanic of you Lucas." I said walking to the back of the boat where Mike and Cal are tossing around a ball.

"Hey Ash." Michael said.

"Hey." I sat down. They kept tossing the ball around until Michael turned and threw the ball to the front of the boat.

"Luke catch!" He yelled, but it was too late. The ball hit him in the back of the head and he fell into the water. My eyes widened and I ran to the edge of the boat. Michael and Calum showed up next to me.

"Luke!" I yelled.

"We have to dive in and get him!" Michael said panicking. I looked at the water and saw bubbles rising and a light glow showing as well. No....

"We can't. It's not safe for all of us." I said. "I'll go."

"We are coming with you." Calum said.

"Cal-" "no Ash. Luke's down there and we need all the help we can get." He said. I looked at them for a second.

"Fine. But you're about to discover something HUGE about me. You can't leave me without helping Luke first, okay?" I said.

"Why would we leave you? You're our best friend." Michael said.

"Let's just go." I said diving off the ledge and into the water. I swam as fast as my legs could take me before my tail formed. I turned to look at Calum and Michael, their eyes were wide.

"Stay here. You guys can't go down that deep. I'll get Luke and you can help get him back on the boat." I said in their minds. They just nodded.

I swam down farther into the water where I found exactly what I thought I'd find. Luke, unconscious, with a dark green tail. How did I never know this?! Putting that thought to the back of my brain, I swam over to Luke. I grabbed him from behind, wrapping my arms under his armpits and locking them over his chest. I swam to the surface of the water as fast as I could carrying my about 500 pound best friend. Why does this tail have to be so damn heavy!

"Luke! Luke, you gotta wake up buddy c'mon!" I started talking to him, trying to get him conscious. "Luke. C'mon. Luke, please. I need you to wake up." He stirred against my chest

"What?" He asked, still partially unconscious.

"Luke!! You're awake,thank God! Ive got you, but I need you to help me swim to the boat!" I stood him.

"Swim, what?! Ashton let me go!" He said squirming.

"Are you sure you've got it?" I asked him.

"Ashton, do I have a giant tail, or do I have a giant tail. I think I've got it!" He said and I let him go. He turned to face me and looked down at my tail, then back at me face.

"You?" He asked.

"Me." I nodded. "You?"

"Yeah." He said. "What about Cal and Mikey?" He asked.

"They know. I'm sorry, Luke, but they insisted on helping you. They're on the boat. They were gonna help me get you back up there." I told him.

"Too difficult. Lets just tell them we're heading back to shore, they should too since its getting late." He said and I nodded. We swam over to the boat where Michael and Calum were waiting for us.

"Guys!" Luke said.

"Luke!" They yelled, before they got a good look at him. "You too?" Calum asked. "You guys have some explaining to do." Michael said.

"And we'll do it. But we need to get back to shore. You guys drive the boat back and we'll swim. Lets meet back at Michael's house, and we'll explain." I said to him and he nodded. Luke and I got back to shore, drying off and walking back to Michael's.


"And from there we just explained about what they just saw. That we're both mermen and that we had just found out about each other as well." I finished.

*Zoe's POV*

"Oh, that's.... Cute actually. Luke needed saving!" I teased.

"I did not! I would've been fine!" He said.

"You would have died from lack of oxygen. Half mer-people need air Luke." Ashton told him.

"Oh shut up Ash." He said, pushing Ashton playfully.



Rewritten and Fine!

QOTC: what is your age?
AOTC: my age would be 16 years young.


Under the Water (One Direction/ Mermaid) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now