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A/n: (yn)=your name
(Hc)=hair color
(Ec)=eye color
Hi I'm (yn) Kelly (Sullivan), yep I'm Jack Kelly's or Francis Sullivan's little sister.I'm the only one who knows his real name so don't tell him I told you. I'm also adopted. When I was 10, 3 years ago making me 13, he left to get a job in 'Hatten so he could provide for me. He promised he'd be back soon. I knew that was a lie when after a year he still didn't return. That's when Racetrack a 'Hatten Newsie took me in. I'd barley been able to provide for me self .  Oh, yeah. Only Race and Jack know I'm a goil (girl). When it's jus me and 'im he calls me Jade, and sometimes me real name, but with the oddas he calls me Jaguar. So, yeah that's my life right now. OH YEAH! Ise (I with an E and S) from Brooklyn I have (hc), (Ec), and for my backstory, Jacky says that Mom and Dad are out west looking for a place like Santa Fe. Well,  that's it bye!

A/n: I know it's short but it's my first prologue.

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