High Times Hard Times

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A/n: (fc) =Favorite color, scene will be a little different than the movie for the sake of next chapter sorry!

Spot's POV
Afta singin' "Little do you know" I went ta bed.I wake up the next morning and look at the time. "5:40 PM?!" I whisper yelled. "I must've very tiyed (tired)." I go to the other Brooklyn Newsie's room cause Ise has my own. "AYE YA BUMS! GET UP THE RALLY STATS IN A TWO HOWAS (hours)! "GET UP GET READY!" I yelled and all the boys jolted awake and stated (started) to put on their best.

Medda's POV
"She has an amazing voice. You should have her do a surprise performance. You know like have two spot lights just randomly land on two people and have dem sing the song day plays." Jack told me. "Your little sister, (Yn), can sing? Why didn't I know this. Are you sure she can sing?" I asked. "I'm positive." He says. Then a smirk comes across his face. "Have the spot lights land on (Yn) and  Spot, and have them sing a romantic song. They'll perform afta you." Jack said. "That's a brilliant idea. Those two would be cute together." I replied. "That's what we keep tellin' 'em. Bye Medda!" Jack yelled and left. Then right afta Jack left (Yn) walked in. "Oh hello darling! How long have you been there?" I asked. "I just walked through the door as Jack walked out. So we can use this place foi da rally?" She asked. "Yes, Of course. What do you need?" I asked her.  "Well... I was wonderin' if you had any odda dresses I could borrow foi dis." She asked. "Yes, but what about the other Newsies. Do they know you're a girl yet?" I asked. She shakes her head. "No. But I want them to know now, I just don't want then ta hate me." She said. "You'll be fine now let's get you into a dress." I told her.

Spot's POV
"TIME TA HEAD TO DA RALLY!" I yelled and we headed out. Every Newsie in New York was hea. Brooklyn and I find whea wese supposed ta be and sit deh. Then when Jacky boy comes out I go on stage, then Jade comes in stage in a dress. My jaw dropped. As soon as she came on stage the auditorium went quiet I wasn't the only one with my jaw dropped.

(Yn)'s POV
I went up on stage and everyone stopped talkin'. The dress Medda picked out foi me was me favorite cola (color), (fc). I loved it! It was gorgeous too! It looked like this:

 But in my favorite color (if the dress above is in your favorite color than ignore this sentence: "But in my favorite color")

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But in my favorite color (if the dress above is in your favorite color than ignore this sentence: "But in my favorite color"). I then look at the crowd and yell. "CARRYIN' THE BANNA!!" The entire auditorium became loud again. Then Jack starts talking and everyone quiets down. "Hey. Any scabba I see I soak 'em PERIOD." I hear Spot say. Then everyone starts arguein' "Theyse gonna be playin' wit me hands." Spot says and the arguing gets louder. and I lose it. "Got no brains! Why are we fightin' eachoda? That's what deh wanna see. See that we're street rats, street rats wit no brains! From now on, if we don't act tagetha, we're nothin', and if we can't even trust each odda den we're nothin'." I said. "Tell 'em Jade!" Blink yells. "So what's it gonna be?" Jack asked. "We're wit you Jack." Race said. "What about you Spot?" Jack starts, I finish. "What do you say?" I asked. "I say that what you say..." Spot gets up in my face and pauses for dramatic effect. I do my best not to blush or turn away. "Is what I say." He said smilin' then we spit shake. Again everyone looks at me and stops their conversation. "Spit shake? She's a goil and she did a spit shake... Wit Spot Conlon?" I heahd (heard) form a few places. "Jus because Ise a goil doesn't mean a spit shake will gross me out. I'll spit shake wit any one of ya. Now stop bein' sexist and welcome Medda Larkson to da stage." I said smiling.

"High times hard times, some times living is sweet and sometimes there's nothing to eat." She sang.

"But I always land on my feet." I hear Blink sing really loud wit Medda. Then Spot walks over. Woah. I was so busy wit dah rally I completely ignored the fact that Spot cleaned up very nicely. "Howdy howdy Spotty Boy." I said. "Hey Cowgirl." Spot said and I laughed. "Nah dats me Brodda you knows dat." I said laughin' slightly. "Yeah  knows dat, but you said 'howdy' so I called you a Cowgirl." He replied chuckling. "So should I call you 'Puppy' 'cause you have a dogs name?" I asked smirking. He gives me a playful glare, I had tuned out Medda 'cause I was so focused on the conversation. "No... Dat ain't tough." He said laughin' slightly. I laughed wit 'im. I noticed that a bunch of Newsies eyes were in us, and deh was smirkin'. Then I hea Medda say. "It looks like our surprise singers are Spot and (Yn)." What?

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