Sad Song

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A/n: POVs will probably be changing between you the reader and Spot a lot throughout the chapter, just warning.
Spot's POV
"It looks like our surprise singers are Spot and (Yn)." Medda said. Uh what? "Come on, come on." Medda said as two Newsies dragged us on stage. "The song is... Sad Song!" Medda says happily. Ain't dat a romantic song, why would--- I'm gonna hafta soak Jacky boy foi dis lada. Then the song starts. It does  a little intro and I begin to sing.

"You, and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.

With you, I'm alive, like all the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide." I sing and notice the crowd is lookin' at me in shock. Please don't let dis ruin my reputation.

"So stop time right here in the moonlight

'cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes." I sing and notice (Yn) lookin' at the floor.

"Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song."
I sing then (Yn) starts to sing. Woah, I've hear her sing but... Woah. NO SPOT!

(Yn)'s POV
How can I live up to a dat?

"With you, I fall, it's like I'm leavin' all my past in silhouettes upon the wall.

With you, I'm a beautiful mess, it's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears upon the edge." I sing, then look at the crowd and see them in shock.

"So stop time right here in the moonlight,

'cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes." I sang and glance at Spot.

Spot's POV
I sing the chorus again.

"Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song." I sing. Then (Yn) joins in.

(Yn) and Spot's POV

"You're the perfect melody, the only harmony, I wanna hear.

You're my favorite part of me, with you standin' next to me, I've got nothin' to fear!" We sang in harmony. (Yn) the higher harmony, Spot the melody.

Spot's POV
"Without you, I feel broke, like I'm half of a whole." I sang.

(Yn)'s POV
"Without you, I've got no, hand to hold." I sang then I join in harmonizing again.

"Without you, I feel torn." We sing I back off on then next line and what I hear next shocks me.

"Like a sail in a storm!"

Spot's POV
I can tell I shocked (Yn) with that line but we kept singin'.

"Without you, I'm just a sad song.

Without you, I feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.

Without you, I've got no hand to hold.

Without you, I feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song.

I'm just a sad song." We end the song.

(Yn)'s POV
We must have been gradually getting closer because, when we end the song he's right I front of me. I then smile shyly, giggle neoivoslly, and back away slightly. The crowd erupts with applause then I hear a whistle. "It's the Bulls!" I yell. "Spot! Get ha (her) otta hea!" Jacky yells. Spot grabs my hand and tries to lead me out, but some bulls get in the way. One punches Spot, Spot punches back. "Racetrack!" I hea Medda yell and see him bein' dragged by one of da Bulls. Not on my watch. I walk up ta da guy and I give 'im  a nice shina, and bring him to Medda. "Thank you." She tells me. When I turn around I see a bull and get punched in the face, then they drag Race away from Medda. The last thing I see is Jack gettin' punched and taken away, while that happens I hea many Newsies callin' my name and Jack's name the voices dat stand out are Spot, David, Blink, and Les. All I could say before I passed out was. "I'm sorry." Then everything went black.

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