True Colors

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A/n: Some words changes to match the chapter so I apologize a head of time.
Spot's POV
The introduces the judge and asked if we were represented or somthin' like dat. "Hey ya hona I object." I said and Race looks at me like Ise crazy. "On what grounds?" The judge asks. "On da grounds of Brooklyn, your honor." I said and the Newsies burst out laughing and I chuckle a little. "I fine each of you 5 dollars or 2 weeks in the refuge, next!" The judge said. "5 bucks? We ain't got 5 bucks, we ain't even got 5 cents. Say yer honor how 'bout I roll ya for it double or notin' (nothing)." Race says and we all laugh again. "I'll pay the fines. All of them." Denton says walking in. Then I see Jacky boy and Jade walk in.

(Yn)'s POV
We walk in the room. "Hey Cowboy, nice shina." Race yells. "How ya doin' Jaguar?" Spot asks me. "Ise been bedda Spotty." I said. Then Snyder walks in. Crap. I still have his cane on me. I give Spot a look and he nods his head. I slowly creep towards the gate, when I get there I give Spot the cane and he bids it. "Thanks Spot." I whispered to him. "Hey!" Someone yelled and I walk back over. "This boy's name is Francis Sullivan, his mother is deceased and his father is a criminal." Snyder says. "What?" I whisper to Jack, he doesn't answer and doesn't look at me. Jack lied to be? "This is... (Yn) Sullivan, she was adopted by Francis' parents right after she was born and she has been hiding out as a boy for 3 years, after escaping the orphanage." He said my case, but I didn't care. I was too focused on the fact that Jack-- Francis lied to me. "You lied to me." I said. "Lied to your own sister, ouch not good." Snyder said. I wasn't looking at Snyder but I could hear the smirk in what he said. "This girl should be put in the orphanage until age 18, and cannot leave without an escort or becomes adopted." Snyder completes. I began to get dragged away. I lose it.  "YOU LIED TA ME! YA OWN SISTA! WHAT KIND OF BRODDA ARE YA?! I TRUSTED YOU, HOW COULD YA DO THIS TA ME?! WHAT ABOUT ME NIGHTMARES YA JERK!? WHY DO I HAVE 'EM WHEN I GET CLOSE TA SOMEONE!? WHY DO I END UP HOITIN' 'EM?! DO YOU KNOW?! TELL ME!! IT'S DA LEAST TOU CAN AFTA YOU LIED TA ME FOI 13 YEAS!" I yell. "It's because... When you start to like someone more than a friend or a brodda, youse get scaed (scared) 'cause ya don't wanna get hoit. So you black out and end up hoitin' dem instead." He says calmly. I stay silent as I'm dragged away.

Spot's POV
He lied to us? His own sista? That's gotta be rough. "Wese gotta find someone ta adopt 'er or somethin'" Race said. "Yeah... Maybe...." I said. "Medda. What about Medda?" David asked somewhat enthusiastically. "Yeah. We'll ask afta we talk ta Denton though." I said.

(Yn)'s POV
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to come back." Mrs. Snyder said glaring at me. "How ya been Mrs. Snyder." I said nicely I don't have the energy to be rude. She looks shocked. "What's the matter with you child? Where's the smart comment?" She asked. "She just found out her brother has been lying to her for 13 years." Mr. Snyder said. "Ha! Maybe now she'll actually listen to me." She said. "I'm sorry Mrs., but I'm really tired, so may I please go ta bed?" I ask. "Yeah sure, but if you do, you won't get dinner!" She says as I head to my old room. "Dats fine I ain't hungry anyway." I said. I sit by the window there's a fire escape I could use, but I don't care anymore.

Spot's POV
Denton didn't get it posted. "I'm gonna go check on 'er." I said and headed towards the Manhattan orphanage for goils. I quietly climb up the fire escape and hea her voice. "You lied ta me... 13 yeas you lied TA me? Am I really fallin'? Can I even trust him? Can I trust... Anyone?" She says and stats cryin'. So I do the only thing I can think of. I look into her window and stat singin', I noticed befoi I stated her head was in her hands.

"You with sad eyes.

Don't be discouraged, Oh I realize.

It's hard to take courage.

In world full of people.

You can lose sight of it all

The darkness inside you, can make you feel so small." I sang and she looked over at me. I gave her a sad and sympathetic smile. I still don't like her like that. Do I? No! I'm da King of Brooklyn, and da King of Brooklyn don't have feelin's foi nobody.

Spot Conlon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now