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Melody's POV

The next thing I hear after Lucilfer was a slamming door. I find the sound coming from the door farthest to the right and I cautiously make my way over. I hear a deep voice echoing through the halls bringing the dark aura with it. A shiver runs through my body as I tune my focus into the conversation the man inside was having with you.

He begins with a simple conversation asking how you've been. It sounds as if you knew this man, how have I not heard of him before? I pull out my hunter's license and quickly scan it on my phone opening up the hunter's website. I type in Lucilfer hoping to find some valuable information but it's useless. "Search invalid" shows up on my screen as I sigh wondering what kind of person you were facing.

I notice my spacing out and try to focus back on the conversation between you and the man on the other side of the door.

"Now, tell me why I've gotten the pleasure of receiving such a wonderful visit from you?" The dark voice asks feeling a bit too cocky.

"What do you mean?" I hear you ask.

"I can see that you haven't contacted either of the little ones and not even your boyfriend. What gives me this honor?" I assume he's referring to Gon and Killua when he says the little ones. What did he mean by boyfriend though? Was he being serious? Who was your boyfriend? Were you really into men? These thoughts haunted my brain keeping me off task.

"Don't think you're special. You have something that isn't yours and I would like to take it back now," I hear you.confront the man. I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to listen to your conversation.

"Why I have many things that aren't mine. What item do you have in question?" The voice asks knowing exactly what you came for. I couldn't see his expression but I bet he was smirking.

"Cut the act lucilfer. I think we both know what I've come here for." You say trying to end his ridiculous games.

"If it's the scarlet eyes you're talking about, I just happen to have them right here," He says. Was this man being serious? Why would he reveal this information so eagerly? A smart auctioneer would have played more games to give the bidder a harder time. How dumb was this man?

"You want them? You can have them. They don't seem to give me much interest nowadays." Was he really serious? I didn't think this man could get any blinder.

"I doubt that you would ever give anyone someone for free, even if you were tired of it." I hear you state stealing the words from my mind.

"You're right. You see I'm not here to bargain with you. I'm here to test you." He replies making me worry. What kind of test was about to give you? If he was planning to attack this wasn't really the time or place.

"What do you mean test me?" You ask clearly as confused as I was.

"You see, I've seen you around. And I've noticed that you've grown quite fond of your little friend. Melody was it?" Me? Why was he bringing me into this? What did I have to do with anything?

"What about her?" You ask.

"I hear she's looking to destroy the sonata of darkness." How does he know this? Who was this man?

"Yeah, your point?" You question him.

"I may or may not have an idea of how to destroy them." What was he talking about? There was no known cure for the sonata. Was he trying to fool you or did he seriously have an idea?

"And?" You ask giving little care to the subject.

"Wouldn't you like for me to tell you what I know?" He asks, his voice becoming more and more mysterious. What was this man hiding?

"Sure I do, but what will it cost me?" You ask. What would the answers cost you?

"Finally, the ever so entertaining question. It's not what it will cost you, it's what will you give up?" I hear the man say chuckling to himself. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean?" You ask showing more confusion.

"I'm not charging you anything. I'll give you it for free. But you can only choose one thing. Do you want your precious eyes or would you like to know how to destroy the Sonata?" Was he seriously going to make you choose? It was obvious that you'd choose the eyes. That's what we came here for. Why would you give them up just for a possible idea of destroying the sonata?

"So what will it be Kurapika? Your eyes or her Sonata?" The man asks again making it clear that this was the last time he was going to ask.

I lean closer to the door waiting for the answer when I hear footsteps approaching closer. Were you leaving him unanswered? What was going on? I hear the sound of the doorknob creaking open and I burst as fast as I can out of the area. I sprint into the elevator pressing the first-floor button as fast as I possibly could.

I press the button until the door closer and it feels like an eternity before the doors begin to shut. I let out a breath of relief that I was now safe from being caught. I spoke too soon though. Right as I thought the door was closing for good a hand gripped it prying it open.

A man drowning in dark nen stepped into the elevator locking eyes with me as he asked "Now Melody, I thought Kurapika asked for you to stay home. What are you doing here listening to our private conversation?"

The Scarlet Eyes & The Sonata Of Darkness ( Kurapika x Melody )Where stories live. Discover now