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Kurapika's POV

"So what will it be Kurapika? Your eyes or her Sonata?" Was the question that had been stumping me for the past 30 minutes. Chrollo suggested that a took a few minutes alone to think about it as he went and did some errands. I heard him talking to someone in the hallway and I doubted he was up to anything good.

I decided to mind my own business. I had my own problems to deal with. What was I going to do about Chrollo's offer? Was I really going to give up the last set of eyes for Melody's sonata? I came here to retrieve the eyes, I didn't come here for her. Who even knew if Chrollo had been telling the truth? He could've just been lying about knowing information about the sonata.

I heard the door creak open as I looked up to see Chrollo returning to his seat.

"Have you made your decision?" he asked me staring straight into my eyes. I felt them starting to turn red. I didn't like him playing with my emotions and this whole decision would've been easier if I could just kill him. I knew what I had to do. I came here for me, I didn't come here on Melody's behalf.

"Yes," I reply calmly. I knew I had to obtain the last pair of eyes so I could finish the funeral for my brothers and sisters. I knew myself and I knew my morals so why did I feel different? Something inside me was telling me that I had to get the sonata details. I wasn't sure where this was coming from or why but I listened to it.

"What do you know about the sonata?" I say with a calm voice. Chrollo looked a bit shocked but tried to contain himself.

"I know that when your play the sonata you will automatically die, your body will decay and turn into nothing. If you listen to someone else playing it but you yourself doesn't play it your body will become deformed and turn you into a creature from another world." he started telling me.I didn't realize that your appearance was because of the sonata. I thought you were born looking like...well the way you look. What were you like before this happened to you?

"Shredding, burning, or tearing the sonata is impossible since it is made out of something, not of this earth." he continued talking but I couldn't stop thinking about Melody. Did I care that she was turned into a creature? I never really noticed how she looked before but now that I think of it I guess she does look a bit strange.

"The only way to destroy the sonata once and for all is bathing the pieces in the blood of someone who was affected by the sonata." he finished his description with a polite nod. I give him a nod back showing that I understood the information. I began to walk towards the door when I felt someone pulling my hair back again.

"Oh, don't leave so quickly Kurapika. I have one more question for you," Chrollo said loosening his grip on my scalp.

"Why didn't you chose the eyes. I wouldn't take you for someone who'd care about others," he asks not even letting me respond to his question.

"I'm not quite sure, it was a sudden urge that I felt," I say truthfully.

"I totally get it. I understand how you feel," he replies laughing to himself.

"You have no idea how I feel" I replied harshly. How dare he compare himself to me. We were nothing alike and it was wrong of him to even dare to compare us.

"We all have special feelings for certain people. Don't worry about it though. I promise I won't tell Leorio," he says letting out a laugh.

I quickly run out the door slamming it behind me, right in his face. 

Author Note-

Sorry about the late update, I've been really busy with school work. I hope that I'll have more time to write soon!

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