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Happy Ending

Kurapika's POV

After my talk with Chrollo, i was furious. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to think we had any connection. We were no more than enemies and I hoped to keep it that way. I wasn't sure how Melody would take the news about potential death if she attempted to cure herself. I doubted it would go well and she'd be highly disappointed.

Once I reached her house I stood at the door for about 10 minutes before knocking. I couldn't muster up the courage to break the news to her but I knew that I'd have to do it eventually. I didn't want her to attempt the cure risking death and this was the only way I could prevent that.

Eventually, I brought myself to ring the doorbell. I listened to it echo inside the house before hearing a few footsteps coming in my direction. I braced myself for Melody's look of disappointment as I broke the news to her but to my surprise, someone else opened the door.

The woman staring back at me had a smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks. Her smile seemed familiar and I'll admit that she was quite breathtaking but that was beside the point. Who was she and what was she doing in Melody's house? Have I gotten the wrong address? I was pretty positive that I'd taken the right route and this looked the house she brought me to before.

"I'm sorry but who are you? I think I may have gotten the wrong house," I told her a bit worried that she'd be upset that I intruded.

"You don't recognize me?" she asked with the slightest bit of sadness in her voice.

"I'm sorry but I don't think we've met before," I replied feeling bad that I couldn't remember her face.

"Kurapika, it's me," she said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Melody?" I asked shaking my head.

"Yeah, it's me," she said with a small smile. Her smile. How could I have not recognized her smile? I can't believe something that important had slipped my mind.

"What happened to you?" I asked not trying to sound rude.

"The cure worked," she said hitting me like a truck. The cure for the Sonata. For a moment I forget everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. Everything was rushing through my brain so fast that I couldn't quite find the right words to say.

"Why'd you have to do that. You're going to die," I said choking on my own words. I bet there were a million other ways to break the news but I couldn't find any. I was in disbelief over what was happening and my mind couldn't slow it all down for me.

"I'm going to die? Says who?" she said panicking.

"Chrollo," I replied taking a deep breath in.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she asked a bit upset.

"He didn't tell me that you could die if you attempted the cure. He texted me randomly while we were on our way to your place that he had important news so I left. Once I found him he told me the news and I headed to your place as soon as possible," I let out in one giant burst.

"You could've told me where you were going. You don't have to hide things from me," she said giving me a look of worry.

"I didn't want to tell you because you seemed so happy when I told you about the cure. I didn't know how to break it to you so I panicked," I admitted.

"Kurapika the only reason I did the cure was because I thought you wanted me to go back to normal. You were so excited about the cure that I was afraid it would let you down if I didn't change. I did it while you were away because I doubted it myself and didn't want to see you upset if it failed," she said sighing.

"No offense but I never wanted you to turn back to the way you were. I mean you're beautiful in your original state but I already thought you were beautiful. You didn't need to change just because you thought it would make me happy," I replied.

"Remember how you showed up late and told me that you'd make it up to me?" she asked. I tried to recall the faint memory being covered by the mess that had just happened.

"I believe so. What would you like me to do for you?" I asked her not really remembering the moment I'd said that. So many things were scrambled in my brain that I couldn't think straight.

"I would like for you to let me accompany you along your journey. I know it's a lot to ask since you're so busy and I don't want to get in the way of your goals. I'm fully aware that you don't want your rage to die and I may get in the way so feel free to say no. I decided that this is what I want to do for rest of my life. I'd like to be by your side as long as I may live. Whether it be one day, one month, or more I'd like to spend the rest of it with you," she said in more humble way possible.

"Melody, my rage will never die and having you by my side will only make it stronger. As long as you're with me and I hope that'll be forever I will promise to protect you while managing my own business as well. I would be honored to work with you." I replied.

No words were said after that. I moved in to kiss her on the forehead only to receive a smile. While her appearance was drastically different the smile I loved was still there. Her smile was a sight for sore eyes and it would remain like that for as long as she may live.

Author Note-

Sorry about the late upload. I've been working on having both a happy and sad ending so I wanted them both to be my best work. By Wednesday the happy ending was only halfway done and I didn't want to put out a sloppy ending. I'm currently working on the sad ending and it may take a bit of time since I have a lot of ideas for it. I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and I'm hoping that the other ending will be out soon! 

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