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Melody's POV

    "Can you follow him?" I asked the cab driver after Kurapika slammed the car door. I had no idea where he was off to but I didn't want him to leave so easily. He didn't even give me a reason for his actions so something had to be wrong.

"I'm not supposed to be following people but we can do a quick drive around of the area if you'd like," the cab driver replied to me.

"Sure," I replied doubting that it'd get me anywhere. I needed to know where Kurapika was headed not what was around the area.

The driver agreed to drive me around the block a few times before dropping me back home. I glued my eyes to every window in the cab hoping to spot something suspicious. Besides a few sketchy alleyways, everything seemed normal. That was until I saw someone familiar walking down the block.

Slick black hair, feathered collar, and pasty skin. It was definitely Chrollo.

Kurapika had just met with him what else could he want?

"Do you think we could get closer to the man on the left?" I asked the driver pointing at Chrollo.

"I'm sorry but I can't just tail people but if you'd like to get out here I'd be happy to do that," he replied. It sucked that we couldn't just tail him but it'd look pretty suspicious if a car was just following him around. I tried to tune into the area around me hoping to pick up any sound waves that would give me some clues.

I found no luck and decided to head back home. Getting out of the cab to follow him around would be far too risky and could get Kurapika in trouble if I was spotted.

The ride home was fairly short but it felt like forever without Kurapika there by my side. I decided to listen to what he'd told me about the sonata. I decided it would be a better idea to attempt the cure without him there. If it didn't work out he'd be heartbroken and pissed that he even bothered getting the information for me. If nothing happened he'd never know I even tried to make it work and I could try to put it back as much as possible.

The only way to destroy the sonata once and for all is bathing the pieces in the blood of someone who was affected by the sonata. That's what I remembered Kurapika telling me. I made my way down the vault where the Sonata sheets were kept and dumped them into my bathtub. Without thinking I took a knife to my arm letting the blood trickle into the tub. I wasn't sure how much blood the papers needed to bathe in but I made sure each sheet was in the process of being dyed red.

After a few minutes, the papers were fully covered in blood and the notes because unreadable. I decided that nothing was going to happen and that Chrollo made the whole thing up. I felt no different and I did everything that was said. Did I not coat the pages in enough blood?

I doubted it would work in the first place but a part of me was still upset. I looked down at the papers which were soaked in my blood as I noticed something starting to change. They were disintegrating.

At least they would be destroyed forever. That's what I originally wanted. The only thing I hoped for was that no one would ever go through what I did. I should be happy. This is what I've been working for ever since the incident occurred in the first place. Why am I not happier?

Was it because my appearance was still the same? Was it because my lover would never come back to life? Or was it for another reason that had nothing to do with the Sonata? I don't think my mind wanted to admit it but my heart was telling me something. It was telling me that I wasn't happy because Kurapika wasn't there with me.

He was the one who found the cure for me and he wasn't even here to witness it. I was so afraid it wouldn't work so I avoided the thought. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek and onto the floor of the bathroom. I went to the sink to wash my face when I noticed something was different. What happened to my appearance? Since when was I ever beautiful?

Author Note-

I've been trying my best to keep weekly updates flowing but recently my school shut down the computers. I am trying to figure out how to reset it am currently trying to restore it to its former state.  I don't have my own private computer so I'm working on fixing my school computer. Since I didn't get to update last week I tried really hard to put out some good chapters this week. I feel like I'm nearing the end of the book and have a few ideas for an ending. Opinions on having two endings both a happy ending and a sad ending?

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