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Kurapika's POV

Rush hour couldn't go any slower after my meeting with Chrollo. I was stuck in my cab for about 2 hours before I finally made it to Melody's. I ran to the door as fast as I could knocking rapidly to let her know that I didn't ditch her. To my surprise, no one answered for a straight minute and I began to lose hope.

Where could Melody be? I was wondering that for a while before I thought of a few reasonable situations. I did kind of ditch her in the cab and she had no idea where I was going or if I was coming back. She could've gone shopping or out to dinner and I wouldn't blame her for doing so. I never told her to stay at home so I couldn't get mad if she wanted to go somewhere. In fact, i didn't tell her anything at all. I left her without any explanation leaving her in the cab by herself.

I doubted anything bad happened to her but just the thought of possible danger to her made me worry. If anyone messed with her after because she was by herself I don't know how I'd ever forgiven myself.

Right as I let out a deep sigh I heard someone calling out my name. The voice sounded familiar but the person running towards me was a total stranger. As she got closer her steps became heavier and heavier before she collapsed right in front of me.

My immediate reaction was to run over and check if she was okay. When I reached her I found no pulse in her body and her figure began to disintegrate in front of me. In a matter of seconds, her whole body turned to ashes before completely disappearing. The only thing left was what the girl had been holding on to. It was a small sack with something cylinder inside it. I went to open her sack and was shocked to see what was inside.

It was the last pair of scarlet eyes. I wasn't sure how this woman received them because as far as I knew the last set belonged to Chrollo. I took the eyes in my hands to feel something taped to the bottom of their contained. I tilted it to read the label. "Look up," was all it said.

I looked up as the note said to find Chrollo standing in front of me. He began to squat down in front of me lifting up my sagging chin. When our eyes finally met he went to whisper something in my ear.

"Take this as a token of my gratitude. But as you can see, I never give anything away for free. Did you really think the eyes would come without a price?" was what he told me.

My thoughts all began to pile into my brain in one foul swoop reminding me of everything that had happened. That was when I realized the girl who'd just disintegrated in front of me wasn't a stranger. She was someone who I worked with, she was someone who I was friends with, and she was someone who I fell in love with.

I felt a single tear stroke my cheek as I looked down at the eyes I'd fought so hard for. I watched as the tear drop dripped from my chin onto the glass cylinder covering the eyes. A ray of sun hit it making the eyes shimmer more than they normally would when I felt something hard hit my head. I watched as the eyes flew out of my hands cracking on the ground in front of me before everything went black.

Author Note-

I would like to thank everyone who's read this story and voted on the chapters. It's been a bit hard to write as someone with so few emotions and it's been quite a challenge working with Kurapika as a character. I thought of writing this story since I saw so little stories on Kurapika and Melody together and thought it would be a good idea.  I'm not sure if this book will have a sequel but I had a few ideas for one following the sad ending. The idea would be that after knocking Kurapika out Chrollo takes him to the spider layer forcing him to be his own personal slave (in a yandere type way) Kurapika's not fond of this idea but allows Chrollo do what he wants since he was promised a way to heal Melody. In hopes of reviving her, he has to defeat all the members of the phantom troupe. After defeating them all Melody would be revived but she'd have no memory of him and he has to spend eternity with Chrollo. But when Melody's revived she still has fragment memories of Kurapika and soon remembers everything he's done for her. She hopes to free him from Chrollo and seeks help from Hisoka to finish Chrollo one and for all. If you think that making a sequel would be a good idea please comment down below:)

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