Chapter 8

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Guanlin's POV

How am I going to break them up? Baejin hyung doesn't even like Hanna. I thought.

After a couple of minutes I thought about how to break Hanna and Baejin hyung apart, I finally arrived to Hanna's house.

Without hesitation, I knocked her door and then she opened it. She mumbled.

"Hanna, you need to break up with Baejin hyung", I knelt down in front of her.

"Hey Guanlin! What is wrong with you! If you come here to say sorry to me, it's okay but you come here just to make me with Baejin break up, I'm sorry, just leave me", Hanna almost closed the door but I blocked it with my hand. Thank goodness she didn't closed it, if she closed it, my hand will be break.

"Tell me, what so interesting about Baejin hyung? You always cry because of Baejin hyung cheat on you with many girls in school. If you don't want this things to happen again, just break up with him and be with me. You'll be happy", I claimed. Hopefully she will understand and just break up with Baejin hyung and be with me happily ever after.

Hanna showed her face towards me and smiled. She accepted me?

"Guanlin, it's not that I don't want to be with you, it just that, I don't trust you again. Remember what happened to us? Why we broke up?", she gave me a weak smile.

"Yeah I remember", I rolled my eyes.

"You cheated behind me with that girl! That's why I don't believe you again and what Hannie, Woojin, Jaehwan and Daehwi is true!", she tucked her long bangs behind her right ear and I could see her ears were red. I know she was full of anger to me.

"Okay! I admit that I was cheat on you! But, Baejin hyung cheat on you so many times. And you could see it in front of your eyes. Why Hanna? Why? What so interesting about him?", I told her the truth.

"It was because I love you so much that time!", I could saw a bead of crystal fell down so fast from her eyes.

Before I could say anything, she closed the door so hard. I sighed.

Hanna's POV

I closed the door so hard. Urgh. Beep Beep. I checked my phone. Oh. I got a messages from my neigbour, Ong Seongwoo.

• • • • • SKT 4G        9:43 AM        🔇 87% 🔋

‹ Ong                                🔗 📹  📞  Details

Ong: Hey. Why so noise eh?

Ong: You have problem with Guanlin again?

Ong: I thought you broke up already.

H♡NN♡: Sorry~

H♡NN♡: I didn't mean to make noise :(

H♡NN♡: I broke up with him already but he want me back. He want me to break up with Baejin. I don't why he want to do that.

Ong: Ahh~ I understand.

Ong: But why ⊙_⊙

Ong: It's your life not him -_-||

H♡NN♡: I know right. Gtg~ ♡(∩o∩)♡

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