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‘So you liked my bedroom huh?’ I said sarcastically.

‘Well, yeah I suppose I did, even though it was a bit weird to step into or should I say crawl into’ he laughed ‘a room full of photos of me.’

‘Not just you, don’t get too exited, all the others were there too’ I teased.

‘Well the others didn’t have a full sized poster with lipstick kiss marks on it?’ he laughed.

‘Oh shit, you saw that too?’ I said awkwardly, ‘I mean, well that’s kind of embarrassing.’

He just laughed and walked over to the kitchen glass cupboard and asked,

‘Would you be so kind and allow me to have some water’ he said in a really posh accent clearly to mock, rather than to be polite.

‘Yes, of course Mr. McGuiness’ I laughed, he winked.

A few days ago I had fantasized about these boys, every night I had fallen to sleep staring at these posters, counting down the days till their concert knowing even then they were unlikely to spot me in the large crowds and even if they did I wouldn’t be able to meet them with out the meet and greet tickets which unfortunately were not in my possession. I would wake up every morning and play the whole CD through, still in a fantasy world of meeting them. Now Jay was stood in front of me drinking from my glass, my water and in my house. How did I get this lucky I wondered?

‘Done!’ he said as he slammed the glass down on the counter. ‘Did you know I got the rec…’ but before he was finished I ended is sentence for him.

‘…ord for downing milk in the quickest time? Yes! I did know.’

‘Wow! You really do follow what were up to all the time’ he said now looking slightly worried. Oh god, had a ruined it, does it look like I know too much? He continued ‘but um, you have been pretty nice to be around not like all the others asking for signatures and all that, which is why I gave you one with out you asking.’

‘You did?’ I said sounding surprised.

‘Yes! Whilst I was in your room I had just enough time to sign some of the pictures, I couldn’t have done all of them it would have taken me forever!’

‘Thank you, and yes I have been collecting them for a while now.’

Then his pocket started to ring and he pulled out his BlackBerry, and gave me an annoyed face when he answered it. ‘Yes, yes mum, I am okay, no I didn’t get lost, fine I will be home soon’ he sighed.

‘At least you haven’t lost that phone yet!’ I joked.

‘No, I have been lucky this week, well I am really sorry err…’

‘Ellie’ I added in.

‘I am really sorry Ellie I have to go my mum wants some ‘Family time’’ he said sounding a bit sad.

‘Oh yeah that’s fine. Well um… nice seeing you?’ I said kind of more like a question wondering if he did too.

‘And you too, well see you around. I hope.’ He admitted ‘If not here’s my digits’

Oh my god, Jay from the wanted has just given me his mobile, but containing my excitement I just said

‘Hang on I will go get my phone’ one I had got my phone he read out his number.

‘You have a blackberry too, want my BBM.’ He asked. Trying not to seem to keen I just nodded.

Just as he was walking out the door I called after him,

‘I hope you go on twitter tonight I always laugh at your tweets they crack me up!’

He replied slowly but meaningfully into my eyes.

‘I will Ellie, Just for you.’

MADE - my holiday :) The Wanted Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now