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When we arrived at the hospital there was one girl in there waiting to be seen with a broken arm it seemed, but it didn’t stop her coming up and asking for a photo with the boys even though she looked as though she was about to cry. They gave her a hug and off she went with the nurse that had been stood in the doorway waiting for her to come through during the photos.  

‘Bye’ they called to her wake.

'Well, she was quite a nice fan' Siva mentioned breaking the silence in the nervous wait.

'Maybe we can sign her cast. That'll make her happy. How awkward if she didn't actually want it though, although I think Tom will be annoyed he missed her when he comes out, I think he would have liked liked her.' Nathan said laughing.

All the others just nodded in agreement but knowingly all thinking - that's if he comes out. And it was my entire fault. Great one Ellie, I am sure the Parkerettes will love you.

‘Alright guys, you can go in now.’ The nurse came through the door; we all replied my standing up straight.

‘Alrighty, follow me then’ she said, following these words suddenly cheered me up. She wouldn’t be this cheerful if he hadn’t made it through I thought, and I am sure so did the others. The nurse led us through a web of corridors and turnings, until she left us to our own devices.

‘THOMAS’ Max nearly screamed as we walked through the door.

‘Alright?’ Tom replied, although he was able to respond it was definitely a bit uneasy.

‘You seriously asking that mate, we came here to see you!’ Siva responded.

To that tom just looked down onto a very bandaged body, but a casted arm.

‘Well, you know. I could be better I suppose.’ He looked up at me.

Oh god, he did. He did think it was my fault, I was hoping that he wouldn’t have thought about it like that. How wrong I was. So I left. I turned out the ward into the street. I don’t know why I am so shocked, I ran over someone in a speed boat, mauled their arm and expect them not to care – Idiotic.

*Hours Later*

I had been sat on this bench in Newport for age’s people watching trying to think up ways to say sorry to Tom. However failing with that I decided to check up Twitter I pulled my phone out my back pocket, the timeline was going crazy.

@tomthewanted OMG are you okay, What happened bbe??

@tomthewanted Hospital this cant be good :(

@tomthewanted  WHATS GOING ON :O

It was mental, how could they know? Then I remembered the girl we met in the waiting room, she must have said something on here – which also meant her location.

They know where they are, it wont be long till we see some fan girl faces. Which I presume would be the last thing Tom wanted to see at this time.

‘Jay?’ I said down the phone,

‘Ellie, are you okay. You have been gone so long, are you still around here now or gone back home?’ Jay filled the line with questions.

‘Listen Jay, the fans they know where you guys are, you cant come out the front I think I have already seen a few arrive.’ I said

‘Okay, I will tell the others. You never answered are you okay?’ Jay queered.

‘Jay, I am fine. Tell Tom I am so sorry, I don’t know how he will ever forgive me and I don’t blame him.’ I managed to hold back tears of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2012 ⏰

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