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I don’t think I have ever been as happy as yesterday; I met my favorite fifth of my favorite boy band. What could be better! But today was going to be different story all together I woke up this morning very late but also feeling so very ill, and was unable to make it out of bed, with everyone else out already I was alone with out access to the pain killers. That I so desperately wanted. With nothing else that was possible for me too do with out pain, I fell back asleep for a few more hours, blissfully unaware of the pain around my body. I woke though by my phone ringing underneath my pillow, it was Jay. I didn’t want to speak to him in this state so I quit the call, on my screen a little message was popping up showing me I had 3 unread texts. I scrolled down, Jay, Jay and Jay. Wow, he must have been trying to get hold of me for a while I thought whilst the first one opened.

‘Hey, I don’t know if you want to but I was thinking of meeting up today? Totally your choice though’

Then the second one,

‘I am sorry, I didn’t mean to go to far to soon, and its okay you don’t have to.’

Then the third,

‘Getting quite worried now, you seem like the person to reply quite soon, maybe just overreacting maybe your phone was out of charge, but I cant help thinking there’s something wrong.’

I just looked down and smiled.

I had only known this boy for what 1 day, no less than that and he was already worrying if I was okay. For once it made me feel special, and wanted. Then I remembered that I should reply as I hung up on the call.

‘Hey, sorry I hung up on the call didn’t feel like talking on the phone as it just woke me up and I am half asleep’ I replied. In under a minute’s time there was a reply back flashing on my phone.

‘You were asleep? I am so sorry!’ he replied sounding shocked.

‘No its fine, I woke up a few hours ago, but I am not feeling to good and couldn’t make it to the medicine cabinet, so I figured I would go back to sleep’ I explained.

‘Awh, you feeling any better now? - Jay’ the reply came up almost instantly.

‘Unfortunately not, I don’t think this is going to fly over’ I assumed.

‘Ellie I am coming over!’ he added.

‘No Jay, don’t I will be fine here, I look a right state and you need to spend some family time whilst you have it’ I pressed send, and then heard the door knock. 

MADE - my holiday :) The Wanted Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now