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Your lucky I made it here to answer this’ I said ‘but I did just send you a text saying not to come, I mean look at me’

‘What do you mean look at you. You look ill yes, but never the less still just as pretty as before.’ He argued.

‘Well since you’re here now’ I said lying myself on the sofa gently ‘can you please grab some Paracetamol from that cupboard there?’

With in just a few seconds I had 2 tablets and a glass of water being delivered to me by the cutest person alive. I gestured thank you whilst taking the tablets.

‘Why are you doing this?’ I noticed the confused look on his face I explained ‘I mean being so nice, helpful and friendly I mean I am just some girl you met in the woods, another crazy fan that you deal with hundreds a day, what I am trying to say is why me?’

‘Don’t you want it to be you?’ he asked.

‘Of course I do, why else would I have life size photos of you in my room, but what I am trying to get at is there’s so many, how did I manage it?’ I questioned.

‘Ellie there is something different about you, you don’t seem to brag to everyone you don’t seem to go fan girl crazy and post it all over twitter, you just seem to react as if it actually means something to you and I am hoping that you react the truth because I certainly have enjoyed it feeling that way’ he softly and sweetly added.

‘I have got to be honest when I first met you in the woods it did seem like it would be my twitter update, but when I actually started to speak to you and get to your inside Jay and see your not actually an alien and do have feelings too it didn’t seem right to do that.’

We sat there in a silence for a while neither of us really knowing what to say, until he turned around picked up the TV remote turned it on, and slid down on to the sofa next to me.

‘You choose the channel’ he said handing me the remote, I flicked through the channels until I got to Jeremy Kyle, my favorite.

‘Good choice, Tom loves this program you know, he watches them all the time, there on series record.’ He explained. I sat there kind of forgetting I was sat next to literally the boy I had dreamed of seeing for years, and for some reason I don’t have anything to say? I was just thinking of what to say with out it sounding to pre arranged when he came out with,

‘You look lost in thought, what are you thinking about.’ Right so maybe he’s psychic or just generally wondering.

‘Um, no not really just thinking that I am glad that the medicine has kicked in, and it feels like it wont be coming back.’ I lied.

‘Sure you were, come on Ellie. What are you really thinking about, do you want me to leave?’ he questioned, but before he really finished his sentence I almost shouted back.

‘NO, no I mean no I don’t want you to go,’ I said as he looked confused ‘fine, I was just thinking why is it that I have literally dreamt of meeting you for ages, and yet your sat next to me right now and I have nothing to say, well at least nothing fan girly, it just doesn’t seem like I need to, I seem to understand you just by sitting here.’ He said nothing in reply to that he just put his arm around my waist and smiled.

MADE - my holiday :) The Wanted Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now