Chapter 10: Alkali lake and the museum.

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Chapter 10: Alkali Lake and the museum.


OK so we are now on film 2. Please review. Even if you have some advice.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Logan's POV:

I had finally made it to where the professor had told me to go. Alkali lake. I just want to see if anything is here and get back to my daughter. There is snow everywhere and mountains.

I walk through a passing in some trees. I take the cigar out of my mouth and take a deep breath. It is so cold that I can see my breath. I see a dam where there is a high level of water.

I carry on walking along and I see some sort of barbed wire fencing. I then see a wolf just outside of the military building that I was searching for in the first place. The wolf walks towards the open door and looks inside. I sigh because I am getting the feeling that there is nothing here.

I follow the wolf in anyway. It wouldn't hurt to check would it.

When I am inside I see nothing but waste. Not a person in sight.

I close my eyes and shake my head. Where could I have gone wrong with this. I

Well I think it's time to head back to Xavier's school. I want to check on my daughter and Rogue. I also want to see if Xavier can find out anything else.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

No one's POV:

The mutant students are all at the museum. Jean stands with Cyclops while Storm explains things to our students.

"Neanderthals," Storm says to the kids. "We once believed that they were wiped out by years of conflict with our much more advanced branch of humanity called pro-magma-man. But recent research-"

As she is talking one of the younger students, Artie spots a little girl eating an ice cream. He smiles at the small blond. She spots him watching her and sticks her tongue out at him.

Artie retaliates but he has a reptile tongue and it kind of scares the little girl.

"Artie!" Storm calls out catching the young boy in the act. "Not here."

Not too far away a little boy is looking at the skeleton of a Saber-tooth. Jean spots him not paying attention and walks over to him.

"Come on," she says pulling him away from it. "Pay attention."

He goes back to stand with the other kids. Jean looks at Scott her fiance who is stood near some screens. Scott turns and smiles at Jean.

Jean begins to look around as once again her telepathy is out of control. She is hearing everyones thoughts. Unfourtanetly it is making her telekinesis go crazy.

Scott looks around as all the screens flash on and off.

Jean puts her hands to her temple as she tries to concentrate. Scott walks up to her as he notices something is wrong.

"Jean," he says concerned for her. "Are you OK?"

She doesnt look it in his opinion.

"Yeah," she replies to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a headache."

Scott knows that she is lying. He can tell that there is something else.

"It's not just a headache is it," he says and she sighs. "Listen I- I wasn't really sure how to say this but you know ever since liberty Island yo-"

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