Chapter 8: Who is Charlene Xavier?

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Chapter 8: Who is Charlene Xavier?


OK so this is the last chapter of the first film. There will be a few original chapters before the second one. Please review and tell me what you think.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Claire's POV:

I feel myself slowly coming back to consciousness. I slowly begin to move.

"Whoa slowly Claire," a voice says and I look around to see Jean coming over. "Here let me help."

Slowly she helps me to sit up. She smiles.

"Is Rogue...?" I ask.

"She's fine," she smiles at me. "Quite brave what you did out there."

I smile and nod in thanks. I look around but stop when I see my reflection. There is silver streaks now in my hair. I gasp.

"Where did they come from?" I ask Jean.

"Whatever happened at liberty Island," she says as I fiddle with them. "It has changed you."

I nod remembering what Magneto told me. The door opens and my dad and Rogue enter. When they see me awake they both run over and give me a hug.

Dad doesnt want to let me go.

"Dad," I say when it is becoming a little hard to breathe. "You can let go now.... dad."

"I was so scared Wildcat?" He says hugging me tighter.

"Okay oxygen becoming an issue," I say and he finally releases me.

I smile and he gently strokes my hair.

A few days later and I am playing foosball with Rogue and bobby. I don't want to go and see Xavier but I know that eventually I will need to. I need to know the truth.

We hear that Mystique is still alive. That upsets me. I then turn as I hear my dad leaving. What is he doing? I look at Rogue and she nods for me to go and have a little chat with him.

"Hey," I say as he is leaving. "Are we running again?"

I am a little upset as I wanted to stay with Rogue. But I didn't want to stay without my dad.

"Not really," he replies and touches my cheek. "Have some things to take care of up north."

He strokes the silver in my hair.

"I like it," I tell him before sighing. "Let me say goodbye to Rogue and get my things and then we can go."

He sighs and takes my hands.

"Wildcat," he says and I frown at his tone. "I think you should stay here!"

My eyes widen.

"What? No," I say to him. "I want to go with you. I don't want you to go without me?"

He sighs and takes off his dog tags. He takes my hand and places the dog tags in them. I close my hand and feel the tears in my eyes.

"I'll be back for this," he promises me.

He then pulls me in for a hug. I squeeze him tight as he kisses my forehead.

"Make sure you do," I tell him.

He then steps away.

"Xavier also tells me that he wants to speak with you," he says and I sigh. "He told me why and I want you to try and listen."

I nod. He takes off. Rogue appears beside me and takes my hand. I sob a little. I have always had a dad with me. She hugs me and when I am calmer she turns with me back to the front-room.

"You want another round of foosball?" She asks.

I nod and we take off to begin playing once more.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

A day later and I know that I can put it off no longer. After my last class with Storm I decide to go to Xavier's office. I take a deep breath and knock.

"Come in," he says from inside.

I enter and he smiles as he spots me.

"Good afternoon Claire," he says and then motions me to a seat. "Have a seat. Would you like some tea?"

I nod while I try to figure out what to say to him.

"Can I ask you something?" I say to him as he places a cup of tea in front of me.

He sighs. "Ask away."

I nod and decide to start with an easy one.

"Who is Charlene Xavier?" I ask.

He sighs once more and rolls around until he is not too far away from me.

"Charlene, was my younger sister by a year," he says and I can tell that this is not an easy subject. "She was also a mutant."

I nod and I have a feeling he will know my next question.

"Is Charlene my mother?" I ask him.

He looks down. It seems to me like he has kept this hidden for too long. And now he feels like he can get it off of his chest.

"Yes," he says and I nod. "Charlene and your father were together for only a short while."

I contemplate this for a few seconds.

"Why did she abandon me?" I ask.

The professor looks a little upset at how I put it.

"Charlene is a very well known mutant," he tells me and I think about what Magneto called me. "A lot of other people were after her and she didn't want you in danger. She couldn't leave you with strangers. So she tracked down your father and managed to convince him that you was his."

I think about that. It kind of makes sense.

"Um," I say trying to think of what to say next. "What is a Pegasus?"

He sighs and I think him say something along the lines of 'Damn you Erik' under his breath.

"They are a mythological for of mutation," he says. "They are passed from mother to daughter. Unfourtanetly it skipped our mother so Charlene had to learn from our grandmother."

I play with one of the silver strands in my hair.

"When I was in danger I managed to float," I say remembering that night. "What other powers are there?"

He shakes his head.

"Charlene kept most of them to herself," he informs me.

I am a little angry at this.

"But how am I supposed to train," I say to him. "I know next to nothing about these powers."

He sighs.

"As my niece," he says and I feel weird as he says this. "I will do everything in my power to help you."

I nod and then smile. "Okay uncle Charles."

He smiles. "I will let you know if I find anything out Claire."

I nod and at that I leave.

*Daughter of Wolverine*


There is just going to be some small filler chapter between film one and two. Just to put some time between the two. What did you think?

This chapter was posted on the 11/05/2017 at 18:53

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