Chapter 16: Waking up.

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Chapter 16: Waking up.


OK so I am glad with how many people have read and are enjoying this story. I really appreciate it guys.

*Daughter of Claire*

Claire's POV:

I quickly sit up as I wake from a nightmare. I look around to see my parents asleep on either side of me. I smile but then I spot the drip that is in my hand. I am feeling a little fuzzy and dehydrated. I wonder how long I've been out. I see the door opening and uncle Charles comes in. He looks around at the other people in the room and then he sees me awake.

I make a hushing sound and he nods his head.

"Want to take a walk?" He asks quietly.

I nod and gently take the drip out of my hand and it heals but a bit slower than it usually does.

we head back upstairs and outside. He watches me as we go along.

"Uncle Charles?" I say and he nods for me to continue. "It didn't work did it? Jean's...."

I pause not wanting to say it but he knows exactly what I am asking.

"She didn't make it," he says with a voice of regret.

I feel the tears come to my eyes so I stop and sit down. For a minute or two everything is silent as I try to stop my tears.

"I should have been able to do something," I say feeling completely useless.

My uncle rolls closer and I look up to see him with a look of concern on his face. I feel really bad about Jean and I know that everyone must hate me now.

"Claire, I want you to listen to me very carefully," my uncle says with a hint of sternness in his voice. "No one blames you and no one hates you. You tried all you could to get that door open."

"I am supposed to be this all powerful Pegasus," I remind him. "I should have been able to get that door open."

He takes my hands and pulls me up. I don't say anything as he pulls me in for a hug which I return.

"There are somethings even a Pegasus cannot do," he says and I nod my head even though I am still a little unsure. "You are a powerful young girl but no one expects you to work miracles Claire."

I mull over what he said and he just waits.

"I know it just hurts," I say before thinking of the others. "How is everyone else?"

He sighs and I know that it must be bad.

"Scott is the worst he has locked himself in his room," he tells me. "Everyone else is coping in their own way."

I nod my head.

"How long was I out?" I ask gently.

"The longest five days of your parents life," he says with a small smile.

I laugh. "I can imagine. Have you talked to mum yet?"

He sighs and I already know the answer before he gives it.

"Not yet," he says and I raise an eyebrow at him. "I will I am just waiting for the right time. But speaking of parents we best go wake yours so you can see and talk to them for a bit."

I nod and we make our way back towards the building. Just before we get there I turn back to my uncle.

"If I have nightmares again...," I say and he nods to tell me that he is listening. "Will you help me?"

He nods and smiles. "I thought you'd never ask?"

I giggle a little at how he puts it.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

I get back to the med bay and I see that my parents are still asleep. I decide to have a laugh.

"SO you guys are here to make sure I am healthy," I say and they immediately awake. "But you fall asleep on the job. tut.. tut."

When they see that I am awake they both get up and we share a group hug.

"I've missed you Wildcat?" Dad says and I smile.

"Me too," mum says stroking my hair gently. "You really scared us."

I sigh and sit down on the bed where I had slept for the last five days.

"I'm just sorry that it didn't do any good," I say to them.

dad gives me a glare. "Do not blame yourself Claire Louise Howlett. Unless you want to be confided to your room?"

I shake my head but mum continues to stroke my hair.

"Claire... you could have killed yourself if you had held on any longer," she says and I look right into her eyes. "We hate that we lost Jean but how do you think we would feel if we lost both of you."

I sit there thinking about that.

"I know," I say as I get to my feet and head for the door. "I guess I just need time. Am I aloud to return to classes tomorrow?"

They share a look.

"We see no problem with it," dad says and mum nods her head. "But don't push yourself if you are not ready Claire!"

I nod and begin to leave the room. "I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna head up to my room."

I don't wait for an answer as I take off for my room.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

I go to my room and sit down. I still feel as if this is my fault. I lay down on my bed and let the tears flow. I don't even hear as the door opens and someone comes in. Then someone pulls me up into a sitting position. I see that it is Rogue. She brings me into a long and much needed hug. I let all my tears out. Rogue doesnt say anything just lets me get it off of my chest.

When I have finally calmed down again I smile up at the girl I see as a sister.

"Thanks," I say to her. "I needed that. My mum and dad just don't realize how I am feeling."

She nods.

"Anytime," she answers and I smile at her. "Now how about we go and find David and Bobby and go out in the grounds for a bit."

I am a little shocked at who she mentioned.

"David is still here?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she says smiling. "He has decided to stick around for a while."

"Okay let's go find the guys," I say looping my arm through hers and we exit.

I will never forget about Jean but it is weird. It's like I can still sense her presence. Like she isn't really gone. On the way out I spot Scott but he doesn't seem to notice me. Not that I can blame him.

He has lost his fiance and he always said he would protect her no matter what.

*Daughter of Wolverine*


Okay small chapter I know. Next one will be the talk between Charlene and Charles and a little bonding between David and Claire. I am thinking he should be Magnetos son. Thoughts anyone? Please review and I will have the next chapter up by tomorrow at latest.

This chapter was posted on the 19/05/2017 at 14:42

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