Chapter 19: Hank and Claire meet.

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Chapter 19: Hank and Charlene meet. 


OK so I wanted Hank and Charlene to be close. So Hank is Claire's godfather.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

No one's POV:

Professor Xavier is teaching a class right now. This class includes Kitty and Blink. He is currently speaking to his students.

"When an individual acquires great power," he tells all of them. "The use or misuse of that power is everything. Will it be for the greater good or will it be used for personal or for destructive ends? Now this is a question we must all ask ourselves. Why? Because we are mutants. For psychics, this presents a particular problem. When is it acceptable to use our power and when do we cross that invisible line that turns us into tyrants over our fellow man?"

Kitty begins to talk. "But Einstein said that ethics are an exclusive human concern without any superhuman authority behind it."

"Einstein wasn't a mutant," Charles says before joking with his class. "So far as we know."

Everyone chuckles. Then the professor motions to the TV screen behind him.

"Now this case study was sent to me by a colleague Dr. Moira McTaggert ," he says before looking at Blink. "Jones."

Blink nods and turns the TV on with his powers. A woman who is clearly a doctor is on the screen. Behind her is a man on an oxygen mask in the bed behind her.

"The man you see here was born with no higher-level brain functions," the doctor says. "His organs and nervous system work, but he has no consciousness to speak of."

The TV pauses and the professor begins to speak once more.

"Now what if were to transfer the consciousness of one person," he says glancing around at each of his students. "Say a father of four with terminal cancer, into the body of this man? How are we to decide what falls within the range of ethical behavior and what...."

The professor pauses. It begins to go dark and the professor frowns. Kitty and the other students wonder why he stopped. Outside the clouds in the sky become purple.

"Professor?" Blink says a little worried.

Professor Xavier comes out of his stupor. He still looks tense but glances at the young mutant who had called his name.

"We'll continue this tomorrow," he says to his students. "Class dismissed."

Everyone nods and begin to get ready to leave.

Charles heads to his destination. Along the way he meets up with his sister. He can tell something is troubling her.

"Everything OK Sprite?" He asks her.

"Well apart from the sudden purple clouds... not much," she tells him.

He smiles a little at her choice of words.

"How is everything going with your classes?" He says deciding to change the subject for now.

Charlene smiles at her big brother. "Feels like I never left this place."

Charles can tell that theres more to that.

"But...?" He persists.

"But I cannot help but feel like something bad is going to happen," she says.

They say nothing more just continue on their way.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Charles and Charlene end up where Storm is alone outside. She is using her powers but she doesnt seem to be aware that she is even doing it.

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