Chapter 22: The funeral, discussing the school and training.

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Chapter 22: The funeral, discussing the school and training.


Well a few more chapters and then this story is finished. Then theres the sequel: Charlene Xavier: Sister to Charles. This will be based on first class, days of future past and Apocalypse. Then I might make one based on the new film Logan.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Claire's POV:

I am in a black dress. I have tears running down my eyes as I sit down in between David and Rogue. David puts his arm around my shoulders and Rogue takes my hand. Sobs rip through my chest.

Storm is making a speech.

"We live in an age of darkness," she says to all the students who are also there. "A world full of fear, hate and intolerance. But in every age, there are those who fight against it. Charles and Charlene Xavier were born to a world divided. A world that they tried to heal. A mission they never saw accomplished. It seems the destiny of great men to see their goals unfulfilled."

Rogue nudges me and motions to over my shoulder. I look to see my father stood there. He gives me a sad look and I know he wants to come down but he doesnt want to get in the way.

Storm carries on with her speech. "Charles and Charlene were more then leaders, more than teachers. They were friends. When we were afraid, he gave us strength. And when we were alone, they both gave us a family. He may be gone, but there teachings live on through us, there students. Wherever we may go, we must carry on there vision. And thats a vision of a world united."

Everyone stands and I try to contain my tears. Hank moves over to me and squeezes my shoulders. He then walks forward with me and we both place a flower on top of there grave. Rogue does the same thing.

I shake everyones hand but then a woman approaches me.

"Moira McTaggert," she tells me and I shake her hand. "I knew both your mother and your uncle very well. I am sorry for your loss."

I nod mt head. "Thank you."

When the funeral is over I refuse to leave the grave for a while. I just want my mum back.

"Wildcat?" I turn and see my father behind me.

I run into his arms and he holds me as I cry. I feel the Earth shake a little and I know I am going to have to get control over my powers. I decide I will start tomorrow.

"I'm going to miss them both so much," I say into his shoulder. "I was only just getting to know them. It isn't fair."

He sighs.

"I know," he says and he kisses my forehead. "I couldn't do anything."

I nod and he pulls me to my feet.

"Come on lets head to your room," he says and within two seconds we were in my room. "You're really getting the hang of the teleportation power."

I nod and smile a little.

"Yeah but the element manipulation is becoming a pain," he nods.

He stays with me and pretty soon I am asleep.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

We are all sat in the office. We are discussing the students and the the school. There is me, dad, Storm, Kitty, Bobby and Hank.

"So what now?" Bobby asks. "What do we do?"

Hank is the first one to answer.

"Both of the Xavier siblings started this school," he says to us and I frown at where this is heading. "Perhaps its best that it end with them."

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