Chapter 24: The battle and the end.

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Chapter 24: The battle and the end.


Ok last chapter of this book. Then its the prequel Charlene Xavier: Sister to Charles which is set during first class, Days of future past and Apocalypse.

*Daughter of Wolverine*

Claire's POV:

We make it to Alcatraz. We are shocked to see that Magneto had moved the bridge so that all of the mutants could get there. David squeezes my hand.

"Oh my stars and garters," Hank says shocked by what we are seeing.

"Go into stealth mode," Storm says and we do exactly that.

We bring the plane down on top of Alcatraz.

Storm electrocutes the area to keep the mutants at bay as she lands in front of the soldiers. Hank jumps down and growls at the mutants in warning. Colossus jumps down and Kitty phases Bobby through the ground.

David and I float so we land down gently. I spot the dark Pegasus and she smirks at me.

Dad lands and begins to speak. "You men cover the doors. Everybody get together. And hold this line."

All of us X-men stand in a line. My dad glances at me and I nod my head at him.

We glare at Magneto who says something that we do not hear.

"FINISH THEM!!" Magneto yells.

Everyone but Jean, dark Pegasus, Magneto, Pyro and a few others run at us. We all prepare to fight.

Dad sends a power line down at them and it lands on one or two.

David and I split off from the rest. One mutant runs at the two of us so I scream high pitched. He falls to the ground and David punches him to knock him out. I spin and kick one but another catches me off guard and throws me into the air. David grabs him and floats him off as I steady myself.

I spot the dark Pegasus who is looking a little scared at how much power I posses. I go to move towards her but a young man intercepts me and we begin to fight.

I then spot another mutant heading towards the building. He barrels through the soldiers and bashes his way through the building.

"He's going for the boy!!" Hank yells to the rest of us.

I turn to Kitty and she nods. I then turn to my godfather.

"Not if we get there first!!" We say before I run and teleport us into the building.

We spot the mutant and we know we are going to have to slow him down if we are going to get the boy out. I slow him down and Kitty jumps at him. She phases him through the floor and as he struggles she comes up besides me. He cannot get out and it will give us some time.

"Don't you know who I am?" The man demands from the two of us.

We turn to each other and shrug before taking off again.

Kitty holds my hand and phases us through the walls. Every few seconds we hear the crash as the mutant follows us. At one point I stop her and he continues on as we stand out of sight.

We then run in the other direction to get to the little boy.

We finally make it to the boys room and we see him cowering behind his dresser. He freaks as we approach.

"Don't worry we're here to help," I tell him as we pull him to his feet.

"We're gonna get you out of here," Kitty promises.

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