Chapter 3

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Alexis's POV

The 19 hour flight was hell. I'm fine with travelling on planes but once Erin was asleep, I was on my own. Vic and Mike had also fallen asleep,as well as Tony but Jaime and the gold digger talked THE ENTIRE TIME. They weren't even quiet. Well, Britany wasn't, that was the worst thing. My music wasn't able to drown her whingy voice out so I was completely and utterly doomed. When we finally landed, I was jet-lagged as well as sleep deprived.

"Have you slept at all?" Vic asked, seeing the tired expression on my face.

"Jaime and the gold digger sat behind me, so no, I haven't." I replied.

"Fair point." He shrugged and headed back over to our group.

Once our luggage had been gathered, we headed to the hotel that we were staying at for the first few nights. It was 11pm by the time we arrived and traffic was a nightmare.

"Anyone want to go check out the clubs whilst we're here?" Mike asked. A chorus of yes from most of the group answered his question.

"You coming sis?" Mike asked when everybody headed off to their allocated rooms to get ready.

"Not tonight, didn't sleep at all on the plane, courtesy of Britany. I'm going to catch up on my sleep before touring starts." I replied before letting out a big yawn.

"Alright, I think Erin's staying too so you'll have company." He said before turning around and headed to his room. Once everyone was ready, they left and it was just Erin and I. We were both sharing a room so we made our way back there. We tried to watch and tried to understand foreign TV, ate ice cream and had one of our usual girl talk/gossip sessions.

"Do you ever think Jaime will ever go out you?" Erin asked after taking a huge spoonful of ice cream from the litre tub we were both sharing. Erin, Jolie (Mitch's wife) and Katelynne (Kellin's wife) were the only ones that knew about my feelings for Jaime.

"I don't know. I hope he will but I don't think he will. He already has a girlfriend and I think she's going to be staying around for a while this time. One cn dream, though" I replied before taking a huge scoop of ice cream. This is the perfect food to eat when talking about these things and is a rather useful product for comfort food.

"I wouldn't be set on that decision for too long. With what Britany's like with sleeping with other guys, she can be gone rather soon for all we know." Erin said.

"True." I replied and turned to focus on the TV. Foreign TV is so confusing. What's even more confusing is the thoughts that were swrming around my head, regarding Jaime and I.

3 hours later

I was suddenly woken up from hearing a thud then a crash in the hallway. I slowly opened my eyes, thinking I was still dreaming until I heard the noise again. I softly shaked Erin's arm and she woke up too after a couple of seconds.

"Ugh, what time is it?" She asked, her voice heavy with sleep.

"It's after 2am, I heard something in the hallway." After being silent for a couple of seconds, we heard another thud.

"Let's check it out." Erin said, standing up and pulled me up at the same time. We open the room door slowly then looked out. The scene we saw was surprising and a little unsurprising at the same time. Britany was making out with a stranger.

"Lex, get your camera. We have some hardcore evidence to provide to Jaime." She said. I nodded and grabbed my camera bag, quickly fixing up my camera. I turned off the flash so Britany and the stranger didn't know we were here and I started taking pictures. Erin started giggling quietly and shortly after, I started to laugh as well, covering my mouth to muffle the giggles. After taking about twenty pictures, they pulled apart. The stranger picked up Britany bridal style and carried her into one of the rooms. Must've been his. We heard the door slam after a couple of seconds and then giggling which turned to moaning. Ew.

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