Chapter 27

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Alexis's POV

"Well, I guess congratulations are in order." Erin says after we received the results. I was still letting all of this sink in. I was pregnant. I was carrying a life inside me and it's relying on me to look after and care for it.

"I call godmother!" Jolie says.

"Goddammit." Erin mutters and Jolie and I laugh.

"Godmother?" I hear Jaime say behind us. Shit, I forgot that he was here. We turn to see him and Kenadee.

"Jolie, I need you to help me with that thing." Erin says, points behind her and shoots Jolie a look. Jolie instantly catches on and starts nodding along.

"Oh, yeah! Kena, can you help us?" Jolie asks Kenadee. Thanks for the help, guys. I really appreciate it. I shoot them desperate looks as they vacate the bathroom.

"Tell him." Jolie mouths as she shoves Erin out the bathroom. I sigh in exasperation as I'm left with Jaime.

"What's wrong Lex?" Jaime asks as he crouches to my level then turns his attention to the pregnancy tests scattered on the counter.

"Are these yours?" He asks as he examines them. I murmur a yes.

"You're pregnant?" He stares at me when he asks. I nod my head and he looks at the tests again. Oh god, he's going to freak out. He'll leave me, I'll be forced to raise a child by myself for 18 years then when the child leaves, I'll adopt 40 cats and become known as the local, crazy cat lady. A bit drastic, but I swear, it's my premonition. I look at Jaime again and see that he has a huge grin on his face.

"Holy shit, I'm going to be a dad!" Jaime yells and suddenly kisses me back. I kiss back and smile into the kiss. We pull away and hug.

"What?! You're pregnant?!" Oh, looks like my brothers are back.

"Erm... surprise?" I question. I see Vic and Mike shooting death glares at Jaime. Jaime stares at them cautiously then runs past them off the bus. They start chasing him outside.  

"Congratulations Lex!" Tony says and hugs me. I hug him back and turn my attention to outside when I hear swearing.

"Well, Vic and Mike have take it well." Tony laughs as we look out the window. We were parked by fields and I see Jaime running through one trying to get away from my brothers.

"I swear, if they kill him, they're not knowing if they're getting a niece or nephew." I mutter and storm off the bus.

"Victor and Michael Fuentes! Get back here!" I yell so loud that people within a five mile perimeter probably heard me. Vic and Mike stop running and look towards the bus then walk back.

"Have you lost your fucking minds?!" I snap at them when thy arrive at the tour bus.

"Alexis, he knocked you up!" Mike yells.

"We slept together once! It's not as if it wasn't a one night stand with a stranger I knew for two hours! It's with my boyfriend who I've known as a friend since high school before getting together!"

"We told you two to no do that!" Vic shouts.

"Well, it's happened now. Deal with it." I hiss at them.

"No, we'll deal with it. Abort the baby." WHAT?

"And why should I abort my child?"

"You're not prepared to have a child!"

"I'm nearly 24! I have family and friends and a boyfriend that are willing to support me and I thought my brothers would be part of the supporters!"

"You're pregnant. You can't have a child."

"Fuck you." I spit at them and storm off. I head to YMAS's tour bus and knock on the door. The door swings open and I see that Max answered it.  

"Hey Lex, you alright? I heard you yelling with your brothers?" He asks and lets me in.

"Long story short: they found out I'm pregnant. Jaime's ecstatic but my brothers are pissed. Can Jaime and I stay here till they cool down?"

"Of course! I'll quickly run it by the rest of the guys but you'll be fine. You know that you're welcome on the bus." I smile gratefully at Max and he lets Jaime in a few seconds later. I notice that Jaime has a black eye.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

"Mike punched me." Jaime says and holds his eye.

"That bastard." I hiss whilst Max gets a bag of ice for Jaime's eye.

"Besides your brothers reactions, I feel on top of the world right now." He grins and nods at Max as he hands Jaime the bag of ice. Max nods back and walks to the bunks, aware that Jaime and I were going to talk about this.

"They're definitely not finding out if they're getting a niece or nephew." I mutter and Jaime laughs.

"I agree with you for that." He says and pulls me on his lap. We chuckle at the thought and fall in to a comfortable silence.

"How far along are you?"

"About four weeks, I'll need to go to the hospital soon for a check."

"How long do you think we're on YMAS's bus?"

"Until my brothers stop being pricks." I mutter and Jaime laughs.

"I need to play bass and you need to photograph their sets."

"Well... I'll just scowl at them."

"Nice thinking." Jaime says sarcastically. I grin and kiss his cheek.

"What about baby names?" I ask.

"Just to piss off your brothers, Alex, Charlie or Sam seeing as they're both gender names." I laugh at Jaime's suggestion.

"That's pretty good. We're definitely doing that!"

"Who shall we tell about what gender our baby is when we find out?"

"Obviously our parents, Jolie, Tony, Erin, Katelynne, Kellin, Lights, Beau and we can tell our other close friends." I reply back.

"Wise choice. What about godparents?" Jaime asks.

"I've got Jolie as godmother, you can choose the godfather."

"I'll ask my friend Nate." We fall into another comfortable silence and then the tour bus door swings open and Josh walks in.

"Hey Alexis, Jaime. Congratulations on the news!" Josh exclaims and hugs us both.

"Thanks man. If only everyone was taking the news that way." Jaime says.

"Yeah, I heard about Vic and Mike's reaction. Do you think you'll start speaking to them soon?" Josh questions.

"Not until they apologise to me for saying that I can't raise a child and that I should abort it." I hiss. Josh and Jaime look shocked.

"Ouch. I definitely see why you're pissed at them."

"They also chased Jaime and Mike gave him a black eye." I say and point to Jaime's face.

"Double ouch... Anyway, you're both welcome on the tour bus. When are you going to get your stuff?"

"As soon as my brothers are not on the bus." I say. Josh nods and heads to the back room.

"Things will be ok, will it?" I ask Jaime.

"Yeah, everything will be alright."

~Things went well when accouncing the pregnancy... It will get better soon, just attempting (and failing) to add a little suspense.

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