Chapter 4

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Alexis's POV

After surfing, we made our way back to the hotel to prepare for the concert. I was really excited because this was the first time I was the band's photographer. I had been to many concerts before but this time I would be more involved and not just a 'roadie'. Once I had a quick shower, I changed into blue denim jeans, a PTV t-shirt, military boots and a checked shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I was glad to have light-weight clothing because I knew it would get hot in the venue really quickly, especially when you're close to the stage where the lights are extremely warm as well. After getting ready, Erin and I loitered in the hotel lobby until the guys came down. Whilst Erin was getting food from one of the hotel's vending machines, I saw Britany enter the lobby with a guy, a different one from last night.

"Oi, Britany!" I shouted, hoping to grab her attention. She looked over in my direction after hearing me and had a shocked/angry expression on her face.

"Yes? What do you want?" She asked as she walked over to me, dragging the guy with her.

"The concert starts in two hours, you not going?" I asked her.

"And why would I? It's just a concert. There's going to be more of them, that's why this is a tour." She said back in a duh tone.

"You're not going to support Jaime and the guys?" I asked.

"No. I made a new friend and I'm going to spend time with him." Britany replied as she ran her hand through the guys hair and smiled at him.

"You mean that he's the next person you're going to sleep with." I said in a blunt tone. Britany scowled at me and wrapped her hand around my arm, pulling me to the side.

"Excuse me? I have a boyfriend thank you very much, why would I cheat on the man that I love?" She crossesd her arms and glared at me, demanding an explanation.

"Ohh, that's rich coming from you. You've cheated on Jaime so many times AND I even have evidence of you making out with a stranger last night."

"You don't have shit. You're just saying that to feel powerful."

"Like hell I am." I snapped at her.

"Listen here you bitch, nothing and no-one will break me and Jaime up? Got that?" She said snidely at me, turned on her heel and stormed off, grabbing her new 'friend' in the process. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. This is one of the many reasons why I can not stand that woman, she's such an arrogant bitch.

"Hey, what happened? You seem pissed." I turned around to see Erin carrying food.

"Just Britany being a bitch and finding a new guy." I said.

"This is getting ridiculous, you really need to tell Jaime soon." She said whilst handing me some of the food.

"Uh, tell me what?" I turned around sharply to see Jaime staring at us with a questioning look.

"Uhh... nothing. Nothing at all." I stuttered.

"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like nothing."

"It doesn't matter. Never mind, I can tell you later. Let' go and enjoy the first concert of tour!" I mock excitement to cover up the awkward moment earlier and I ran off to find Vic and Mike. I found them outside waiting for everyone else. Vic handed my camera bag to me and smiled at me.

"Ready Lex?" Mike asked.

"I was born ready." I say and grin at both of my brothers. Tony, Erin and Jaime turn up and we start to walk to the concert venue seeing as it was only ten minutes from where our hotel was. We arrive and enter the back entrance seeing as there was no way we would get through the front, there already was a very long line of kids waiting for the doors to open. The band started sound check and I began setting up my cameras. The support band had practised earlier but no-one knew who they were. All we knew was that they were a rising band too and we knew them quite well. The band played Besitos and Drella when rehearsing. Once I'd finished setting up the camera, I talked to some of the people that had arrived early. Most of them knew me from being Vic and Mike's sister but they also knew me from my photography.

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