Chapter 46

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~Jaime's POV

~2 days later

"Alexis we'll be fine! There's nothing you need to worry about." I was attempting to reassure Alexis just before she left to go on a mini vacation.

"Are you sure? Just call me straight away and I'll come straight home." Alexis replied.

"Lex, we'll be fine. I can always contact Vic, Mike or Tony when necessary, stop worrying!" I said, placing my hands on her shoulders.

"What about those strange texts? Something can happen when I'm away. Maybe I shouldn't go." A frantic Alexis muttered.

"Lex, calm down. Go on holiday and come back relaxed." I said softly.

"Alright." She murmured.

"Are you sure?" She asked me again.

"Yes, I'm sure. We'll be FINE. Go." I pointed to the front door as Jolie and Erin were waiting outside to go to the airport.

"Alright, I'm going to miss you." She said.

"I'll miss you too and so will Shy." I said. Alexis took Shy out of my arms and hugged her.

"Be good for Daddy, alright? I don't want to come back and see him bald." She said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"I can easily wear a wig. It would be unknown."

"Oh god, the horror." Alexis laughed and put Shyloh on her mat.

"Bye Hime-Time." Alexis said and kissed me. I placed my hands on both sides of her face and kissed her back. I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers.

"Bye, love. Have fun." I said before placing a kiss on her forehead. She smiled back at me, leaned down and kissed Shy one last time before picking up her backpack and exiting the house. I picked up Shyloh and stood in the doorway, watching Alexis get in the car.

"At last!" I heard Erin whine.

"You take too long." Jolie moaned. Alexis gently slapped their arms before blowing a kiss in my direction and waving as Jolie started the car and drove off. I waved back and Shyloh gurgled as the car turned off the street.

"Well, Shy. Looks like it's going to be you and me for a few days." I said, closing the front door and bouncing her in my arms. Shyloh gurgled and squealed happily in my arms. I started laughing, watching my daughter. I heard my phone bleep and saw that I had a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: When the girl's away, we shall play. 5 days.

~Alexis's POV

"I can't help worrying, I'm leaving my daughter for the first time." I whined as Jolie drove down the highway.

"I know how you feel, this is the first time I'm leaving Oscar." Erin sighed and leaned on her hand, resting her elbow on the window.

"You're handling this rather well, leaving your child for the first time. At least it's only for a few days, you can build it up from there." Jolie said as she noticed our sad tones.

"Yeah, I guess. But what about when I go on tour? I go in a few months and that lasts for some time. What about then? And what about if Jaime goes on tour too? What do I do then?" I worried.

"Erin or myself can look after Shy or you can ask your parents." Jolie said.

"See Lex, there's nothing to worry about." Erin reassured me.

"Yeah, you're right." I sighed.

"Now, let's go have some fun!" Erin squealed. We all cheered and whooped as we made our journey to the airport.

~5 hours later

"I missed you girls!" Katelynne squealed as she saw us. We had arrived in Oregon and Katelynne said she was going to pick us and Lights up when her flight arrived.

"I missed you too! It's been too long!" I squealed as I hugged Katelynne.

"We need to have these more often." Jolie said. The four of us had a group hug, glad that we were reunited again.

"When does Light's flight arrive?" Erin asked.

"Should be any minute now." Katelynne said, checking her watch.

"How are the kids?" I asked.

"They're doing fine! Copeland keeps hacking my I-Pad to watch Kellin, it's pretty adorable." Katelynne chuckled.

"How adorable!" Erin said.

"Your kids may be doing that in the future! How are Oscar and Shyloh?" Katelynne asked Erin and I.

"They're doing pretty well. This is the first time Erin and I have left them and it's also the first time Jaime and Tony are left alone with them." I said.

"You are handling this rather well. When Kellin had to leave Copeland for the first time, he kept crying." Katelynne said.

"That is sweet, though." Jolie said. We heard an announcement saying that the next flight had just landed and passengers should be departing the plane in five minutes.

"Al last!" Jolie exclaimed. We all looked around, trying to see who was the first one to spot Lights.

"I see her!" Erin said and pointed in front of us.

"Lights, over here!" I said and waved my arm. Lights saw us and made her way over, dragging her suitcases behind her.

"It's great to see you all!" Lights squealed and we all hugged her.

"How's Rocket?" Katelynne asked.

"She's doing great. I have a sore head from her tugging my hair but other than that, I'm fine." Lights said whilst suppressing a yawn.

"Jaime's the same too. Lack of sleep kicking in?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm shattered. Rocket is pretty quiet in the day but boy, she can scream at night." Lights sighed.

"Motherhood at it's finest." Jolie chuckled and we all exited the airport. We arrived at Katelynne's car, put our luggage in the back and got in the car.

"Ready for this?" Katelynne asked from the driving seat to all of us.

"Yeah!" We all cheered as Katelynne started the car and pulled out of the airport car park.

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