Chapter 17

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Jaime's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling rather refreshed. I turn my left and see 8:13am flashing on my phone. I groan and slide back down in to my bed. I turn to my right to see the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen sleeping beside me: Alexis. She looked so innocent and peaceful when she was asleep. She was curled into my chest and soft snores escaped her mouth. I kissed her on her forehead before slowly getting out o the bed and leaving the room. I head downstairs and saw no-one. I go into the kitchen and get some pop tarts from the back of the cupboard that no-one knows about. No-one gets my pop tarts. No-one. Except for Alexis, of course. Suddenly the doorbell rings. I decide to go and answer it, being such a kind person. And who's on the other side of the door? Britany.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" She says and walks her fingers up my chest, the fake nails laving scratches behind them.

"Fuck off." I hiss at her and slam the door in her face but her foot blocks the door from closing properly. I swear, she has feet made of steel.

"Well, Jaime. That wasn't a very nice thing to do. Why would you do that to your girlfriend?" Se whines and attempts, key word ATTEMPTS to pout. Alexis's pouting face is absolutely adorable but her face looks like Botox gone wrong.

"One: You deserve that seeing as you're a bitch and two: You're NOT my girlfriend. Now as I kindly say, fuck off." I say an point to the front door.

"And why should I leave?" She says, tilts her hip and crosses her arms.

"Because you're harassing him." I turn to see Erin standing on the stairs, giving the evils to Britany. I swear, if looks could kill, Erin would be winning gold.

"No, I'm not. I'm talking to MY boyfriend." Britany hisses and takes a step closer to me.

"Actually, he's MY boyfriend, so leave." Alexis says as she walks down the stairs and glares at Britany. Actually, scrap the statement I made a few seconds ago. Erin would get silver and Alexis would get gold because her pissed face is fucking scary.

"When did you start going out with him?" Britany asks.

"About a month ago. It was announced to everyone so they know too." Alexis says.

"We never broke up so I don't know what you're talking about." Britany hisses and grabs my arm, making dents in it with her fake nails. I wave her off and walk over to stand by Alexis.

"Correction, we did. I threw all your clothes and expensive crap out the hotel window shouting that we're not together, so actually no, we definitely did break up." I snap back at her. I'm getting really tired of her, I see why everybody couldn't stand her. Rage was building up in my body and I felt like I was about to explode. I felt fingers link with mine. I turn to see that Alexis is holding my hand and I smile gratefully to her, instantly calming down. I turn to see Britany giving the evils to Alexis and Erin.

"Now, if you don't mind. LEAVE." I snap at her.

"Ugh, fine. But you'll come running back and if you don't, I'll get you back." She sneers at me.

"Hmm, no you won't. Bye." I mick wave at her and point at the door again. Britany scowls at the three of us, flips off and 'walks' out the door. Urgh, will she ever leave us alone?

"Why can't she just drop this and leave us alone?" Alexis sighs.

"I have no idea but she is seriously starting to piss me off." I mutter.

"Jaime, will you ever go back to her." I stare at Alexis in shock.

"What? No. I would NEVER leave you. You are much better than that slut. Never ever think that I will leave you because I won't. You make me a better person and I'm thankful to you for that."

"Wow." Erin says. Alexis opens her mouth but closes it again after no sound comes out.

"Er... I'll leave you two to it." Erin says and points to the stairs before awkwardly walking away.

"Do you really mean that? I make you a better person?" She whispers, staring at the ground.

"Of course I mean that. You have made me better and you continue to."

"Wow. I never knew that."

"I love you, Alexis." Woah, what did I just say? Yeah, I do love her but it's too early to say that.

"Really? You love me?" She says to me, a small smile on her lips. Well, here goes nothing.

"Yeah, I love you to the moon and back. I love everything about you, good or bad. You helped me get rid of my ex, you supported my dreams of being a musician, you have supported Pierce The Veil from the start and have helped us through the good and bad times and you make me feel like the happiest man on Earth. I love you." She was silent. Shit, I think I scared her with that. I can see it now, she's going to break up with me.

"Jaime, I love you too. I was too scared to say it at the beginning because I thought it was too early in our relationship to say that but I'm glad it's not. I love you with all my heart, it's as if you're the other half of me. I would probably die if we ever broke up. I love you so much." Wow, I definitely wasn't expecting that. I thought I had scared her off with saying that speech. We both grinned at each other and then kissed. It was the same as every single kiss, I saw fireworks and I felt alive. Alexis sparked a flame inside me that I had never had before and it felt really good. We pulled away and I rested my forehead on hers.

"Oh my god, that was so adorable!" I hear Erin squeal behind us. We both turn and see that Vic, Mike and Tony are also standing with Erin.

"Well Jaime, I never knew you were a soppy romantic." Mike says and smirks at me.

"Oh, shut up Fuentes." I say in an unamused voice.

"And the cutest couple award goes to... Jaime Preciado and Alexis Fuentes!" Tony says and starts doing jazz hands.

"Oh wow! We never expected this award, thank you!" Alexis says in a mock shocked voice.

"Well, I'm going to dedicate this to my parents for making me a sexican, my family for teaching me how to be charming and for my friends for giving me supportive advice when they're not pricks to me." I say, joining Alexis with our 'speeches'.

"But, seriously, I love you." Alexis says.

"I love you too." I reply back and we kiss.

~Aww :') isn't that adorable? It looked like it wasn't going to go well but it did 180 degrees and got better! Jailexis is still sailing and it doesn't look like it will be sinking anytime soon. Or will it?

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