Chapter 28

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Alexis's POV

~4 weeks later

"How long is this going to go on for?" Jolie asks as I set up my camera. Four weeks had passed on tour and I had still not spoken to either of my brothers. Jaime was on basic speaking terms with them seeing as the had to perform together but I refused to speak to them. Jaime and I finally came back to the bus two weeks after I announced my pregnancy but I give death glares to my brothers. They look guilty and ashamed but they haven't apologised to me yet. They apologised to Jaime about giving him a black eye but I refused to be in the same room as them. I was still pretty pissed at the fact that the told me to abort my baby.

"Until they apologise." I say and finalise setting up my camera. I still had to photograph their sets but I took more pictures of Jaime and Tony than Vic and Mike. Jaime and I were doing better than ever. The baby actually brought us closer together and not driven us apart. Erin and I were being pregnancy buddies. I was two months pregnant and she was just over three months pregnant. Jolie was being a saint and was helping us both with pregnancy because she knew how to deal with it. I was glad that Jolie was touring with us. She's also refrained me from wanting to murder my brothers.

"You'll have to talk to them eventually." Jolie said.

"I know but not now. My hormones are running wild and I'd rather talk to them when I'm in a better mood." I say. I hear the one minute warning and I head to the front of the stage. Adam and I were even closer friends (We nicknamed ourselves camera buddies) and was taking pictures of Vic and Mike for me seeing as I refused to talk to them. The band run on to the stage and the crowd start yelling. The guys play:

Stay Away From My Friends

King For A Day

One Hundred Sleepless Nights

Bulletproof Love

Hold On Till May

Fast Times At Clairemont High


Falling Asleep On A Stranger

"For this last song, I'm dedicating it to my little sister. Mike and I have been huge dicks to her recently and Lex, we're sorry. This is Stained Glass Eyes and Colorful Tears." Vic says into the microphone. Even though h could be a complete prick at times, he knew how to kinda make it up.

I changed your mind
And ended up here
Through stained glass eyes
And colorful tears

Maybe I'll pretend right now
But I swear to God
I'm gonna change the world
And I promise you
Someday we'll tell ourselves
"Oh my God, this is paradise"

I cherish my
American girl
She holds them down
While I destroy the world
My desperate crimes
She don't seem to care
(Oh yeah)
She bites her tongue
So that we can tell each other
"Baby this is paradise
And it's so god damn good"
Now we live like we should

Maybe I'll pretend right now
But I swear to God
I'm gonna change the world
And I promise you
Someday we'll tell ourselves
"Oh my God, this is paradise"

Maybe I'll pretend right now
But I swear to God
I'm gonna change the world
And I promise you
Someday we'll tell ourselves
"Oh my God, this is paradise" 

Even though they were complete pricks, I'm glad that they did that. The guys throw guitar picks and drumsticks into the crowds, bow and walk off stage to go to the meet and greet. Adam and I sort through pictures whilst he band are at the meet and greet. When we finished, I talked to Jolie seeing as Erin had gone to the meet and greet with Tony. Kenadee was sleeping on one of the couches that was backstage.

"That was pretty sweet what they did, dedicating a song to you."

"Yeah, I mean, I am still mad at them but some of the anger's gone."

"I still can't believe that they told you to abort your baby."

"That's the part that I'm most angry at them for. If it was just the bad reaction, I'd have talked to them a few weeks ago but the fact that they told me to get rid of my child really infuriated me."

"When I was first pregnant with Kena, a few of my friends were really pissed at me and told me to get rid of her. They eventually came round, apologised to me and now absolutely love her. Your brothers are slowly coming round, they probably reacted like that because you're their baby sister and they're trying to protect you."

"I know what you mean but seeing as they're my brothers, I thought they'd support me, not be angry about it."

"Talk to them when the meet and greet ends." I nod and Jolie hugs me. The meet and greet ends and the guys come back stage. We all meet up and head back to the bus which was ten minutes away from the venue. Kena, Jolie, Tony, Erin and Jaime deliberately speed walk ahead of us so I'm left with my brothers.

"When will you speak to us again?" Mike asks as we stop at traffic lights.

"When you apologise." I mutter and press the button.

"You know how sorry we are, it was a spur of the moment thing when we found out." Vic defends.

"Yet you chase my boyfriend and give him a black eye." I hiss and cross my arms over my slightly forming baby bump.

"Lex." Vic and Mike whine.

"What?" I huff and the traffic lights turn red, indicating that we can cross.

"We're REALLY sorry. We are ecstatic that you and Jaime are becoming parents and that we're going to be uncles, but we didn't mean that you should abort your baby." Mike says.

"You sounded pretty serious about it." I say. Mike sighs and cuts in front of me, stopping me from walking and Vic stands behind me.

"Guys, move." I whine and attempt to shove past them which I horrendously failed at seeing as most of my energy was being taken out of me from pregnancy and Vic and Mike were pretty strong.

"Not until you forgive us, if that ever happens." Vic says.

"Keep dreaming." I mutter.

"Sandwich!" Mike yells and Vic and Mike hug me, squishing me in the process. I start flailing my arms and whine about being suffocated.

"Whoops, sorry." Vic says and they move apart. I surprise my brothers by hugging them separately.

"I sorta forgive you but you's are dealing with a sort of consequence for being asses to me."

"And what's that?" Vic says nervously.

"You're not finding out if you're getting a niece or nephew until the baby's born."

"Oh come on, that's not fair!" Vic and Mike whine. I laugh at them then they start laughing too. I was glad that I was talking to my brothers again. Jaime was right. Everything will be alright.

~Things got fixed again, yay! Thank you for getting my story up to 300 reads and I got my first vote! It was on Chapter 6! Thank you to the anonymous person that voted! :D I was thinking about starting chapter dedications, anyone want a chapter dedicated to them? Let me know if you do c:

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