29. Creating Pain

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Gajeel's P.O.V.

Another punch met his opponent's face, his head bumped ridiculously against the wall behind him, so Gajeel damaged his face as well as his back of the head with every punch.

He couldn't even remember how much time has passed since he had started to torture this man. The only thing he knew was that Levy got hurt. By him. And that deserved punishment, maybe he would beat him to death. Looking at his broken jaw and nose before his fist made contact with his eye once more, he was sure it would be death. No one could hurt her and leave unharmed.

It was pathetic. While his attack wouldn't have harmed him badly thanks to his iron body, Levy's body couldn't handle the hit. Her body just contacted the hard stone wall and she breathed heavily, trying to stand up again, but she failed miserably. When her body met the ground again, now because she couldn't bring herself to stand up, Gajeel was no longer himself. The dragon broke out and took revenge. Bitter sweet revenge.

He saw her lifeless body in his mind every time he punched the man in front of him. A few hard hits ago, his opponent had closed his eyes, maybe he wasn't breathing anymore, Gajeel just didn't care for that. His face had been priceless. The dragon roared at him and before he could make one step back, Gajeel had already closed his hand around his throat, denying him air while hitting him with his fist, one time, ten times, hundreds of times. His jaw KNACKTE when Gajeel broke it, his nose made a similar voice when the dragon UMFORMTE. Gajeel already had a plan how to torture this man, how to make him cry once he woke up again. If he would wake up again. After all, did it really matter?


Another punch. It was the most beautiful feeling in the world when his eye turned purple, just because Gajeel had swiped it. He could make that colour even more intense. How he loved the feeling of seeing this man even more in pain. Creating pain was his speciality. He knew exactly what he needed to do to make someone suffer. A few cuts here and there, a few punches, leaving that man with a broken body. If he just had time to do so. Suffering could be so fascinating. Especially looking at his victim while ripping his organs out, one by one.

"Gajeel, come on, stop it!"

The body had stopped breathing. At least that's what Gajeel thought. He didn't know for sure, but the body in his hands had stopped moving completely. It still didn't matter to him. This man had hurt his shrimp. Just dying due to a few minor punches wasn't what he had planned for him. A slow, steady death seemed better. A broken body was never as nice as a broken mind.

"Goddammit, Gajeel! Your mate needs you!"

Who had yelled at him? It didn't matter either, nothing did. But the voice had mentioned his mate. His woman. His shrimp. His love.

Gajeel threw the lifeless body in his hands aside and walked over to Levy. Nothing had changed on her position on the ground, she still laid there lifeless, no movement coming from her than a small rise from her chest now and then.

Lucy sat next to her, trying to help her to get up on her own, trying to wake her up, but Levy remained silent. It just took him one step more towards her and the blonde left his mate. She looked at him suspiciously, but stepped away from Levy when he looked at her, his whole body showing her his dissatisfaction with her being so close to Levy. His mate was hurt and no one was allowed to touch her in this broken situation. No one else than him.

He observed her, took in every single bit of her body. The first thing he noticed was how hard she tried to breathe. Without hesitation, his arms went around her body, scooping her up and placing her head gently against his shoulder. She whimpered quietly and Gajeel felt her pain as if it was his own. Why didn't he take care of her first? His anger had clouded his thoughts, only thinking of revenge instead of helping this little woman in his arms. This mage he valued more than anyone else.

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