14. Walking

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Levy's P.O.V.

The sun made it harder for her to keep on walking through the forest. The temperature raised with every minute and sweat appeared on her forehead while she carried her friends into the town. Shady spots were rare in these part of the woods, making it harder for her to keep on walking without collapsing on the ground.

Lily told her to keep it slow, not walking for too long and rest when she needed to. She ignored his warnings completely and kept on walking through the hot sun. The last time she took a rest was a few hours ago, it still had been night that time. After that long walk, she lost track of time, just felt her own, Gajeel's and Lily's weight. They were too heavy, but Levy's feet were somehow able to move along the trail. Finally, she decided to drink something, her head was spinning and her sight went blurry. Every part of her body hurt. With her last strength, she put the backpack down, laid Gajeel down in the shadow and collapsed in the sun.

(A few minutes' time skip)

She opened her eyes to see Lily in front of her, putting a hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. A worried look met hers when he saw her being awake.

"You walked all this way without making a rest, didn't you? Do you even listen to me? How could you ignore my warnings so easily?! Another one of us exhausted and out of strength doesn't help us at all! Just listen to me sometimes, you are as stubborn as Gajeel!". Lily's anger was unmistakable. She neither had seen him like that in the past few days nor the few times he visited her in her old home. He was angry, severe and worried at the same time, it was almost scary. Though his anger was justified, she didn't care in that special moment. A little glance to the right side showed her Gajeel's body, lying unconscious and secure in the cold shadows where she had dropped him seconds before she had collapsed in the sun. His condition hadn't changed since the moment she dropped him, what had happened probably a few minutes ago. Lily must have woken up when she collapsed on the ground herself.

"Gajeel is our first priority, not my condition. I am neither intoxicated nor sick, I am just exhausted. That's all Lily. You can yell at me later on and tell me how stupid it was to walk all this way, but Gajeel is more important than me now. Do you think you can handle the remaining way?"

Though she didn't like Lily's look, it wasn't the time to defend herself or explain what she did. Of course, she knew it wasn't a smart move, but there was no other choice. With shaking bones, she got up and Lily was by her side, supporting her. Lily's anger didn't vanish, he didn't say another word to her when he transformed and flew away with Levy and Gajeel in his hands. In a matter of minutes, they arrived in Magnolia.

The town of her dreams, all her hopes didn't bother her. Her attention was still drawn to Gajeel, watching every single movement of him, ignoring the town completely. Lily landed and ran with the half dragon in his arms and Levy besides him through a little alley until a little house near the woods was in sight. After knocking like crazy for a few seconds, an old, angrily looking woman opened the door for them. Before they could explain their problem, the woman looked down at Gajeel and turned around. She let them in and went through two rooms until they arrived a small room with a big bed and many boxes on the wall.

"Wendy!", she cried and finally turned around to face them.

"Lay him down Panther Lily, we'll take care of him. What did the stupid brat do this time?", she asked annoyed while a girl, a little smaller than Levy but definitely younger than her approached them. Her happy expression changed when she saw Gajeel laying on the bed, Lily standing next to it, one arm around Levy to support her.

"Lily, what happened?", she asked startled and went next to the old woman, ready to help her.

"An arrow brushed his leg one day ago. It wasn't a serious wound, but in the night he collapsed and has been unconscious since then. We think the arrowhead was probably poisoned", Lily explained and ripped the trousers Gajeel wore apart, so the women could take a look at the wound.

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