When Alana arrived home from the police station she told Noah that she had been to her studio, to work. Another lie, to add to the growing pile sprouting up between the two of them. As she looked into her husband's clear blue eyes, the exact same colour as the sea he loved so much, she felt like they were on separate islands. The one person that had always been there - parted from her and he didn't even know it. He was smiling, holding Snow's hand and asking if she wanted to join them on a trip to the ice cream parlour.Alana felt hollow as a cave inside but she nodded and smiled back, hiding her desperation. Snow took her hand, gently, then reached up to kiss her on the cheek. She wore her favourite dress, dusty pink cotton, tucked in at the waist and flared out to her knees.
The three of them left the house to walk along to the ice cream parlour which had been a favourite of theirs since forever. Snow talked about a play she was in at school, how she was all set to play a frog, so she would need a green outfit and some sparkly green tights. She began practising frog sounds down the street as she held onto her parents' hands.
Alana smiled along but she let Noah do most of the talking. She found herself scanning the street ahead of them, looking among the people for that dreaded face. She checked inside the cars too, and in the windows of the houses they passed. She held Snow's hand tight.
When they arrived at the ice cream parlour it was pretty full, with families and couples and teenagers sat in the red booths. The place looked like an American diner, with waitresses in little white uniforms, floating about offering refills of coffee and distributing huge, brightly coloured deserts.
Snow jumped up and down with excitement as a waitress with plump red lips and brown wavy hair showed them to their seats. The waitress gave them all menus and Snow began to show Alana all the different types of ice cream she had already tried. As Alana helped her daughter to chose which one to pick this time she heard her husband saying something.
'Riley!' he said, sounding surprised.
Alana's whipped her head around. Immediately her blood ran cold in her veins.
'Who's that guy she's with?' said Noah.
Alana couldn't answer. She could only stare whilst every bit of blood drained from her face.
'Alana! What's up? Who's that guy she's with? Wait, I recognise him... Isn't it he from the band we saw?'
Before Alana had a chance to say or do anything she heard Snow call out beside her.
'Look! It's Auntie Riley!'
'No,' said Alana. 'No. Just leave them. Please, Snow.'
But it was too late. Over there, at the opposite end of the parlour, sat at the bench along the back wall was Riley. And she was not alone. She had her arm wrapped around the waist of a guy, who in turn had his hand wrapped tightly around hers. Elias.
'So much for Duke, huh?' said Noah. 'Was that his real name? Duke? He didn't last long. I suppose none of them ever do. Wonder what this guy is called? I bet he's called Butch.'
Noah smiled to himself.
'Ignore them, please,' said Alana, her cheeks now beginning to burn. 'Just let them be.'
Noah gave her a confused look as Snow reached out to wave at Riley. Alana held her breath. Sure enough Riley waved brightly back at Snow, the bracelets on her arm glinting in the light. Elias looked over too, a quiet smile on his face. Alana's mind froze, her entire body consumed with panic and confusion.
'Don't get them over,' she hissed. 'Just don't guys.'
'Why not?' said Noah.
'We had an argument, we're not talking.'
Noah shrugged.
'I can believe it. Riley causes trouble wherever she goes.'
'Can we leave?'
Alana looked at Snow who was keeping an eye on Riley. Noah reached over and touched her hand.
'Come on, let's get you a banana split, don't let an argument scare you off. You'll be friends again in a few weeks anyway.'
Alana let out a long sigh. If she pushed them to leave now it would look way too suspicious. So she nodded and smiled and stayed where she was, acutely aware of Riley and Elias who were now entwined in each other's arms like young love birds.
It made Alana sick. Riley knew what she had told her about him. That obviously didn't put her off. She has no idea what she is getting herself into. Alana remembered how Riley had joked about seducing Elias to help her out. Seems like it wasn't that much of a joke, but it definitely didn't look like Riley was trying to help her out.
Alana spent the rest of the time tensely nibbling her way through a banana split, anxiously waiting for Noah and Snow to finish so they could leave. She never looked round but she felt their eyes on her. Especially Elias.
What game was he playing now? Did this really mean he would obsess over Riley? Instead of her? Did that put Riley in danger? Riley clearly hadn't experienced the side of him that Alana had yet. By the looks of things he was currently being the perfect musician charmer. As they left the diner, leaving them still in there, she shuddered to think what his plan might be now.
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Mystery / Thriller| COMPLETED | Alana Templeton married young and and wonders if there might be more out there for her. When she meets the irresistible leader singer of a band, she makes a catastrophic mistake.