Chapter three: Don't look out

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Thank you so much for all your support! I will try and get a few chapters out every week. My goal is to write one chapter every other day. I love Devin so I love this story so much. lol

It was the end of the school day and you went to your locker and put away some books. You grabbed out your phone, and waited for your brother to come find you. But time went by and he still didn't come. You started to them walk down the hallway, you thought you would have enough time to go and print out some pictures that you took the other day after school.

You opened up the door and set your bag next to the door. You saw Tyler admiring some pictures hung up. You set your camera bag on the table behind him. He looked back and quickly took down the photos.
"What are you doing?" You asked Tyler as he shoved his photos in his backpack. You have him this weary look as you then took out your camera and some of its pictures. You then set the pictures in water.
Okay author note: I don't know what you do when you like do that stuff with printing photos. I know you put them in water and hang them up. 😂😂😂

"Nothing." He answered as he walked over to your pictures, "your a amazing photographer. I'm pretty sure I already told you that." Tyler told you as he chuckled. I started to blush and I looked up from my camera to him.
"What are you staring at?" You said as you smiled. Tyler caught himself and just looked at his camera across his neck.
You then hung up your pictures. You took some of your house, plants, and one of Tyler at lunch. You started the fan for them to dry and then you went over by your bag. Then your put it over your shoulder. You normally just wore a large purse for your school bag.
You then left the room. And Tyler Caught up to you.
"Hey would you want to go to the basketball tournament tomorrow. To you know take pictures?" Tyler asked and I stoped walking. You then heard the doors open and it was your brother.
"I would love to Tyler. But I have to go. See you tomorrow night!" You told him as you waved and met up with your brother.
Your guys walked to his car and you got in. He drove you home and you sat on your bed. You took out your sketchbook. You really loved sketching or just drawing in general. You didn't realize that it was really late. You didn't get out of school until around 6. And drawing took away the time.
It was around eight and you walked over to your dresser and went to grab some pajamas. But you stopped.
You swore your heard a camera shutter.  But then you shook your bed and brought the pajamas to your bed. You started to remove your shirt and heard another camera shutter.
You threw your shirt on you bed and marched over to your window. You looked out but saw nothing.
No one
All you heard now was just the wind. You shut your blinds. And covered your bare chest. Well besides you where wearing a bra. And then you continued to dress yourself. Then climbed into your bed.

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