Chapter Nine:

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I looked around the sunny room and realized I was still in Tyler's bed. He was snuggling in his pillow and he looked so cute! I let out a giggle and slowly got out of the bed, trying not to wake him. I sat in Tyler's desk chair and looked through Instagram. Thank god I didn't oversleep for school, it was only 7:00 am. I walked over to Tyler and lightly shook him awake, he groaned and opened his eyes to look at you. 

"Hey, beautiful." Tyler groaned and rubbed his eyes. He then sat on the edge of the bed. He had no shirt on and your eyes glance at his sculpted skinny body. He looked perfect. All he did was stare at you as you sat in his chair which made you blush even more. 

"Are you okay?" You asked as you chuckled, Tyler smiled admiring you even more. 

"What did I do to deserve such a perfect girlfriend." He replied which made you blush even more. You set your phone down and sit by Tyler, his hand held your chin and he kissed you. It was a short but passionate kiss it showed that Tyler does those little things. It was now 7:20 and I knew I should go home and start to get ready for school. I give Tyler a kiss goodbye and got in my car. Once I got home I rushed to the bathroom and put on my makeup and changed my clothes. Hoping to look at least a little presentable. I went downstairs to meet Zander who was eating cereal. You poured your self some coffee and sat down at the table. He eyed you looking suspicious. 

"Whose friends house were you at?" Zander asked as he slurped his cereal. I took a sip of coffee and thought of something in my head to say. 

"Jessica's, why?" I asked Zander and he put his empty bowl in the sink. 

"No reason." He said as he gave me a smirk and went to go get his backpack. I got up and put my empty coffee cup in the sink and went to go get a sweater and my backpack. I went out into my car and Zander was already waiting for me. I then was on my way to school. 

I walk through the doors into another day of hell, and everyone was crowding around Bryce as he stood tall and superior. I look at him and he stared back as I walk to my locker. I broke the eye contact and started putting my books in.  I then felt hands on my waist that forced me to look at their face, at first, I thought it was Tyler. But it wasn't. Bryce moved his hands from my waist to my ass and gripped it and I gasped. 

"Hey pretty lady, you coming to my party tonight?" He asked and I backed away and moved Bryce's hands from my body and stood there stiff and unable to even think. 

"I don't know. " I replied to him and he just smirked and laughed. I was unsure on what Bryce wanted but I knew he didn't actually like me, and plus I was with Tyler. Zach and Montgomery came jumping all over him, I just walked away to my classes. Time to hangout with Jess another time. I walk into class and sat in the seat next to her. She smiled and I smiled back as I took out my computer. After the teacher was done explaining today's agenda we all got to work, I was excited to talk to Jessica to see if she got anything scary too. 

"Hey Jessica" I broke the silence and she stopped typing for a second. 

"Hey. So I think we should really bring in the topic about how they did things back in the day, like, maybe how they made their house and got their food. What do you think?" Jessica replied. I was trying to decide whether or not I should bring up the picture, maybe it could give me more insight on who done it. I had my eyes on Bryce because of that day where he sexually assaulted me. I knew it was him but I couldn't quite call him out for such a thing, that wasn't me. I was quiet but outgoing when needed. But this was something I needed to be quiet about until I know the full story. I shook my head to what Jessica said and continued researching. 

"Did you hear?" Jessica asked. My mind went blank. 

"Hear what?"

"Bryce's starting his trial soon. And this doesn't look good for us..." 

Okay, wow, I don't know how to start this. lol Sorry for not updating in forever! I know many of you love this book and I really wanna continue writing it! I'll try to get chapters out but I'm not making any promises. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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