Chapter four: Please Forgive me...

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You threw on some clothes and brushed you hair. Normally old mornings with your family. Your dads noise was in the newspaper. But where was mom? You sat down at the table and then Zander looked up from his plate. 

"Where's mom, dad?" Zander asked as he pulled out his phone. Zander wouldn't dare tell my dad what happened with that kid named Bryce, I wouldn't know what he would do. Honestly probably kill him. You nodded your head to Zanders question and you dads eyes shot up. 

"I'm not sure, she didn't come to bed last night." Your dad shrugged and took a long sip of his coffee. You got up and put your backpack on your back. You started to walk out the door but you were stopped by Zander. He yelled at dad that he should have looked, or called her. I just wanted to get the hell out before some fighting happened so I told Zander I was going to wait outside. I closed the door and sat on the driveway. I pulled out my camera and against the settings on it. I put my eye to the lenses and had my finger waiting to tap on the button. I saw a tiny ladybug and quickly took a shot. I pulled my camera back to examine it. 

 You heard your brother and father fight even more and you remembered that Tyler was going to pick you up. You then set your camera back in its bag and got off the ground. You dusted your pants off and saw that a small silver car rolled into the driveway. You quickly walked over and got in the passenger side. Tyler's eyes just lit up. 

"I'm surprised you knew where my house was." I said as I giggled a little. Tyler pulled the car out of the driveway and started driving down the street. 

"Well.. yeah. I mean I have seen you around at that house. And suspected it was yours." Tyler told me as he just focused on the road. I was specious. What if last night the person who took  the photos where.... No! They couldn't. Tyler is a sweet boy, he wouldn't do anything like that. 

Tyler pulled up on the school and he walked you in by your locker. He then let you be and you grabbed your books heading to English. You didn't mind English because you have always wanted to be a really good writer. You sat down next to this boy named Zack, who had his phone in his hand. He then laughed. He turned his phone to his other boy, which you think was Justin. They both laughed. Then your phone buzzed. 

Thankfully the picture wasn't of you. 

The picture was Courtney with one of the other girls at the school. They where kissing on a desk in what looked like a bedroom. You just put your phone away from you and put it into your backpack. 

"Courtney is such a slut! Look at her." Zack said to Justin. You just pulled out a pencil and a notebook. You have study hall next period and you planned on spending it in the picture room. For two reasons. 

1:) To find out the pictures Tyler took down really fast. 

2:) That nice picture of that ladybug you took this morning. 

Class ended and you left the room. You then saw Tyler coming out of math and you snuck behind the lockers. He entered the camera room, but before the door closed you came in. You stayed hidden under the desk. And a bonus was that it was dark. You shuffled around until you got a full angle of Tyler. 

He took out at least 13 or 12 photos out of his bag and hung them up. He stopped there admiring.

You saw it was a few people.

Jessica, Alex, Bryce, Courtney, Sherri, Justin, Clay, Zack, and the last one you could see was Marcus. He then removed Alex's picture. I then stood up. 

"Why do you have pictures of all these people?" I said walking viciously up to Tyler, who just stood in shock. I then saw there was more pictures in his backpack. I rushed over and removed them to see topless pictures of me. 

"Tyler!" I screamed as I slammed the pictures on the table and sat myself on the wall. Tears came out. 

"How could you do that to me?" I looked up to him as he just looked down at me. I could tell his eyes where about to water too. He crouched down by me and rubbed my back. He took his finger and lightly removed a tear. 

"Y/n I'm so sorry. It's just that your very photogenic. You see umm your really pretty. I wasn't going to give it to anyone. I would never do that to you!" Tyler told me. Which made me feel much better. He then took his hands and pulled me into a hug. And I hugged back. 

I was mad, but sad. I couldn't trust him. But at the same time I had feelings for him. It was a strange feeling. 

Thank you so much for the support! I love reading your thoughtful comments. :) I love you all. <3 wow what a wimpy heart. lol

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