Eros x Reader (Desperate)

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You were the type of girl that had no time for the bullshit that's called love.

You were too busy with (school/job/hobby) to worry about someone else. So when the freakin god of love took interest in you, You were beyond annoyed.

"No, I will not go on a date with you. No, I will not consider it. So please go away" You state not even glancing at the god

"But-" He started

"Look, Cupid, Im not interested. Find some other mortal to play around with, Okay? Now shoo" You sigh.

"It's Eros. Im greek. Not some roman baby prancing around in a diaper. And why cant you give me a chance? Give US a chance?" He stated flying over to you and sitting directly infront of you

"You're a god! I already dont have time to waste on mortal let alone a god who's just going to get bored of me after some time" You exclaim putting down whatever it is you were doing.

You glared at him. Sure he was handsome, sure he was a god and was rich, but he was immortal and you've read enough greek mythology to know where this was going

"Just ONE date! Please?" He pouted

"No" You sigh again before getting up to leave

"I really wish I didnt have to do this" he sighed

"Do what?" You ask glancing back at him

"If...if you dont willingly give me a chance, I'll shoot you with one of my arrows" He threatened.

"Are you THAT desperate to go out with me?" You scowl

"Yes" He smiles

"But you'll just get bored of me-" Eros cut you off when his bow materialized to his hand

"What was that?" He grinned

"Uh, I heard there's this new bakery in town, we could go there tomorrow at noon" You force out a smile

"Excellent! Mortals defying gods never end well, So good choice" He smiled before walking towards you and kissing your cheek

"Dont worry abour Psyche. She's busy with her godly duties" He whispered before flying off.

"Son of a bitch" You mutter


Okay, If you wanna request, just comment on which god or goddess or maybe even hero like Theseus.

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