B-Boyfriend Material

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*Brittany's POV*

I broke into my final pose next to Trevor and Lamar then smiled in the direction of the camera, remembering to hold my breathing steady. We were just finishing up the very first dance of season 3 'Coming Home', and it was crucial that everything was perfect during filming sessions.

"Ok hold...hold...and that's a wrap!" called Frank, our creative director, through the microphone. "That was stellar footwork guys, as usual. We're gonna call it a day, alright? See you Monday!"

We all dropped our holds and sighed in relief, starting to walk off set. I was about to grab my water bottle when a pair of arms scooped me up and twirled me around, causing me to let out a squeal. I could've guessed that it'd be Lamar, but c'mon lets be honest...only Trevor goofs around with me this way.

"Whoo! It's the weekend Raymond!" He shouted twirling me faster making everyone stop and laugh at us passively...including Frank and Amy. They all knew how Trev could be. Mid-spin I was able to see Jordan and Taveeta holding smirks on their faces, whispering something to each other from across the room. I rolled my eyes a bit. Those two were always trying to find reasons for Trevor and I to hook up and become-what the fans call- "Trittany". In fact everyone here on set were, and this was certainly  helping their case. Honestly, we were just friends. Really.

"Trevor! Put me down!" He laughed setting me down in front of him and pouting playfully, a child-like sparkle in his eyes.

"Oh c'mon? Your not excited that it's Friday? That's so unlike you...don't you go do your little girly routine with hair rollers and nail-polish and stuff?" He teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Ha ha very funny...but no I'm actually free tonight, which is great so I get to relax a bit. You?" He looked back and shook his head, shrugging casually.

"Nah. The boys and I are gonna catch a movie. You know the one where the guy gets swallowed alive by a 6-foot long velociraptor and he has to escape? It's gonna be dope. Wanna join?" My eyes widened and I shook my head rapidly. Why on earth would I want to see something like that?

"Um, no thanks...that sounds like something you'd see. Have fun, though."

"Ok, catch ya Monday, beautiful." He winked at me and started backing away towards the boys.

Did he just-? He just called me beautiful. Huh. That  was different. He usually just called me 'B' or 'cutie' or 'Raymond'. I shrugged it off and made my way over to the girls who were chatting in the corner, making sure to grab my water as I did so. Jennie and Logan, who had joined Taveeta and Jordan, looked at me and smiled.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" They looked at each other and smirked.

"Oh nothing..." Taveeta said smiling innocently. "We were just saying that it had been a while since we girls had a day to hang out." Something told me that that wasn't the topic of their original conversation...but I played it off. The idea of spending time with the girls actually sounded really fun...especially after a long days work.

"Oh yeah, you're right. You girls wanna come to my place tonight? I need to shower and pick up a few things, but after that I'm good." They looked at each other and nodded in approval to the plan. "Ok! It's settled. See ya'll around 7:30? Oh, and bring some clothes if you want to stay the night."

"Bye Britt!" They called. I grabbed my stuff and drove home, thoughts of fun girl time in my head.


After I had picked up some clothes that had been miscellaneously scattered from the morning rush and showered up, I proceeded to prepare for the girls' arrival. I grabbed every fresh blanket from my closet and laid them on the floor in front of my flat screen, throwing pillows down as well, then I gathered the snacks. After that I ran through the check list one last time...

Journeys Begin with a Step (Jiley/Trittany Alphabet OS) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now