I- Ice Cream Sundae {AU}

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a/n: In this OS James is part of L&F and has never been in TNS
a/n: Also S/O to xtordanx because it's her birthday and she is amazing! Xoxo Ameliah! Hope you have an amazing day! You're so awesome for making me aware that you could actually ship two couples at the same time! Like what?! Where have I been? So smart...anyways, love you!

*James' POV*

I took a sip of my drink and focused back on the discussion at hand. I was chillin' with John, Luke, and Theo right now in Java Junction having a band meeting. We had already talked about borrowing equipment from Mr.T, and potential dates we could put on shows, but we had one minor problem...we didn't exactly have the cash to travel to the venues.

"What if we rented out the van?" John suggested.

Luke shook his head. "We can't do that man. We'd have to keep taking stuff out, then putting it back. Plus, I don't trust just anyone with my baby."

I chuckled a little. It seemed like Luke was more interested in dating the van than he was in girls.

Theo banged his hands on the table loudly. "I have an idea guys!" He whispered. Oh no. "We can do little kids' parties?!"

"No Theo." John sighed.

"Oh c'mon! We can like totally rock out with 'em and stuff our faces with free cake." He broke into an air guitar solo and started making guitar noises. We all sighed and I rubbed my temple.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating! How are we supposed to have gigs to get ourselves out there if we don't have any cash!" Luke said angrily. I had an idea but the guys may not like it. 

"I hate to say this guys, but we may have to consider manual labor..." I told them.

The guys all groaned.

"Ugh, like a job?" John questioned. I nodded. "Dude, I'm a musician. My fingers are too delicate to handle-" He shuddered. "-work."

"Dudes relax." I told them. "I can talk to my uncle Tony, he runs an employment agency, or something. He can score us something easy, alright?" They all nodded reluctantly, and I got up to make the call.

I made my way back to the table. " I talked to my uncle." They sat up to listen. "He said he can hook us up. We can meet him tomorrow morning."

Luke shrugged. "Did he say what exactly?"

"Um, not really...but he said something about 'dining' so it sounded delicious."

They all expressed their 'sures' and 'oks'.

"Ok, guess I'll see you guys tomorrow then." John said, packing up his song book and exiting.

We all agreed and went home.


We hopped out of the van and looked around for the "mystery job". Uncle T told us to meet him in this part of town, so where was he? 

A heavy New York style accent broke our confusion."Ah! There you are Jamie, I've been waiting." My uncle Tony seemed to come from out of nowhere, holding a clipboard and looking rather frazzled. "Hey boys."

"Hey." We all said in unison.

I scratched the back of my head. "So, what's the job?"

"The what? Oh!" His eyes lit up and he quickly flipped through the clipboard. "Right, right, the job...um right this way!" He lead us to an ally behind a brick building.

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