C-Country Music?

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*Trevor's POV*

I watched through the office window as the last of the kids filed into the convention room, wearing huge grins on their faces, obviously showing how excited they were to be here. The 'TNS' cast and I were hosting a RawMotion dance convention here in Toronto, and by the look of the crowded foyer it was going to be a good one. Right now we were in the office going over today's dance schedule one last time and getting hyped up before we started the sessions. I honestly loved getting opportunities to share a skill that I was good at with others...especially when my friends Lamar, Brittany, Issac, Jordan, and Victoria were by my side.

"Yo I am so psyched to teach today!" Lamar said taking a swig of his water. "It's been a minute since I've done this choreo but I think the kids'll love it."

"Me too, man." I said, my eyes scanning over my clipboard. "Ok so don't forget, Lamar you're teaching hip-hop with me and Britt for the first half, then Britt you're gonna pull your group away to teach contemporary with Vic, and Jordan and Issac will get the other group and do some acro. Got it?" I knew that Brittany didn't necessarily have to be with me and Lamar to teach hip-hop...but the kids really loved her and she really had a lot to offer in that area of dance so, why not? They all nodded excitedly, feeding off of each others energy. "Ok then let's do it! Hands in." Everyone stacked their hands on top of mine. "RawMotion on three..."

"One, two, three RAWMOTION!" We all shouted, then we moved apart grabbing our bottles and exiting the room. We ran down the hallway and made our way behind a black curtain hanging behind the small stage where the fans couldn't see us.

"Who's ready to meet the cast?!" Bree shouted from the stage. I had invited her to host this convention to surprise the class. All of the kids responded by shouting in their high-pitched voices. I looked over at Britt who was standing next to Jordan giggling excitedly and bouncing up and down. Gosh, she was so adorable. I chuckled to myself and made my way over to her. "Hey. Someone's excited..."

"Yeah!" She said. "I just love teaching the kids...they're always soo happy to dance." That's true...but I knew the real reason they were happy.

"Really? 'Cause I think they're just really happy to see you and that pretty smile of yours." She rolled her eyes playfully and gave me a nudge.

"Haha right...whatever James." We laughed and focused our attention back to the curtain. I seriously meant that though. Brittany had a smile that could light up a whole auditorium, and then some.

"Then without further ado...please give it up for The Next Step cast!" Bree finished, pausing for effect when announcing the show. We all gave quick smiles to each other, then ran onstage sporting full-on 'RawMotion' gear and holding our mics. The kids screamed even louder as we waved and pointed back to them. After the cheering died down a bit we introduced ourselves (even though I'm sure they already knew who we were).

"Hey guys! Welcome to RawMotion! I'm Trevor Tordjman." I started. Vic held the mic up to her mouth and the others followed.

"I'm Victoria!"


"I'm Issac!"

"Hey I'm Jordan!"

"Hi guys, I'm Brittany!" When Britt introduced herself everyone literally went crazy. Riley must be a pretty popular character. I still think it was her smile, though.

"So how are you guys? Ready to dance?" I asked. "Have any questions for us before we get into it?" Tons of hands went up. This might take awhile...

After we finished answering questions, (most of them being show related) and had a 'meet and greet', I had the girls lead a warm-up and then we went ahead and taught the hip-hop routine to the song "Barely Finished", which they picked up really well.

Journeys Begin with a Step (Jiley/Trittany Alphabet OS) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now