Lollipops - Chapter 1

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It was like any other day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Hogwarts was built in a valley area—surrounding mountains were part of the landscape—with the fairly large Great Lake to the south of the main building. The huge main oak front doors led into the Entrance Hall face the west, and opened up to sloping lawns. The deep Forbidden Forest extended around to the west of the Castle. There were exterior greenhouses and vegetable patches on the school grounds.

It was mid-October, and Autumn had already sprung through. The trees were utterly magnificent, with their different coloured leaves. It was a bit of a cloudy day, and the sky was as gray as a pebble. Admittedly, it was quite chilly, cold enough to wear a heavy jumper, but not enough for a jacket.

The Hogwarts castle provided all the warmth needed, though. The tingly warmth did wonders, and was almost magic-like.

Hogwarts held a magical atmosphere, though the magic that occurred throughout the grand castle was not quite visible if you were outside or walking in the halls. Classes were taking place, and all magic that was being practiced was held within the classrooms at the moment, where the Professors kept a good eye or two on all of the students.

Well, most of the students.

There were the Marauders for instance, who had skipped their classes for the day. But, unlike what most would think, the four boys were not taking the day off for pranks. No, it was all for Remus Lupin. He was currently in the Hospital Wing with his three best mates—James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew—for reasons unknown to most.

Last night was a full moon, and to say the least, it was a rough one for Remus. So much that at the the moment, he was lying on a bed in the Hospital Wing with scars and bruises occupying his handsome face. His sandy brown hair was a great mess at the moment, completely different as to what it usually was, and his brown eyes bore weariness and tiredness.

Sirius Black was sprawled across the Hospital Bed next to Remus, relieving his exhaustion. His shaggy, long, black curls lay across the bed, and his cloudy grey eyes danced alight, flitting between the ceiling and his friends.

James Potter was sitting on a chair at the end of Remus' bed, his long limbs slouched in it as he huffed and puffed boredly. He occasionally ruffled his thick, curly brown hair that was already as messy as one's could be, and he adjusted his circular glasses that hung on his nose.

Beside him was Peter Pettigrew, who was quietly munching on a candy bar and moving his watery eyes quickly around the room as though he was nervously awaiting for something terrible to happen. His thin and blonde hay-like hair lay flat on his head, and his chubby and mousy body sat small in the uncomfortable chair.

Together, the four boys made up of a group named The Marauders, because they were just that; people who marauded. They were the most popular boys in the school, being known for their great pranks and good looks. They had a title for causing havoc and chaos, as well as laughter and noise. Though at the moment, they were failing their titles.

Perhaps they would've been just a tad more loud, had it not been for the girl laying opposite them on a hospital bed, a blood red lolly twirling in her mouth.

This was the other person who skipped classes for the day; Naomi Serdeys. She was known for her frequent trips to the Hospital Wing just as much as she was for sucking lollipops.

The popular girl was a tad clumsy, and so people pinned that for her reason of making continuous trips to the Hospital Wing.

"Mr. Lupin," Madam Pomfrey, the caring school nurse hollered from her office, bustling out the door and nearing the boy and his friends. Secretly, the Marauders were relieved. The silence they were experiencing just moments before was not exactly awkward or tense, but it was unbearable for them. "You are free to go now, if you're up to it."

The boy being spoken to swung out of his bed, his friends following suit. He politely thanked the woman, "Oh, of course. Thank you for your help,"

"It was my pleasure, dear," the nurse faintly smiled to Remus with a slightly concerning facial expression. The woman knew of the boy's condition, and she didn't take to it lightly. Remus was easily adored by the authority figures at Hogwarts, and knowing that the sweet boy was given such a horrible curse was absolutely heartbreaking.

But moving on, Sirius Black, deciding that he could no longer act like a shy bunny around Naomi, made an act in an attempt to impress her. Jumping off the bed he was laying on, he ruffled his luxurious curls with his hand in what was meant to be an attractive action. However, unfortunately for him, his hand got caught up in his tangles, ultimately making him look like an embarrassment.

Sirius frowned and pulled his hand out of his hair. Being discreet, he glanced at Naomi to see if she had noticed him, but she was merely gazing at the ceiling with a far-off expression.

James Potter had witnessed his best mate's whole ordeal. Slapping Sirius' back with a great thump, the messy haired boy chuckled heavily, "Nice going, Padfoot," he muttered amusedly.

"Shut up." Sirius gruffly murmured, swatting at the boy who had ducked with quick thinking, while snickering rather annoyingly.

The silly boys followed after Remus, who was making his way out of the Hospital Wing. Peter Pettigrew was quick to shuffle after them after leaving his candy wrapper on a random bed, easy to follow suit.

Just as Remus was passing through the doorway, a light and easygoing voice that was angelic and soft, stopped the boys.

"Hey!" Naomi Serdeys called out, her voice a tinkering bell.

Remus turned around. Before he could even react, a purple lollipop was tossed into his hands. He fumbled with it at first before getting a firm hold on it. It was then he realized what it was that he caught as he analyzed it with surprise. Not even giving a chance for the boy to express his thoughts—his shocked face said it all—Naomi lightly smiled at him.

"You look a bit glum."

Remus raised his eyebrows in surprise. He stuttered, "O-Oh, well, thanks,"

All the girl offered was a flashing wink from her glimmering, crystal blue eyes.


How was that for a first chapter?

This was actually fun to type, and I really hope it was fun for you guys to read! Any advice would be really appreciated!

QOTD: Birthday?
AOTD: September 30

Votes and comments, please!

Love always,

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